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Trump falls!! Hurt too

Not Trump exaggerating the blood loss in his speech last night, when some others suffered traumatic injuries/death, not lucky superficial ones. Oh, and saying God did it, and God fucked the victims.

I just watched the first 15 minutes and it seems very effective at playing to emotions to me:

That makes it pretty scary at how much he is milking this.
Overall, the speech was commendable. Everything about the attempt on his life and Corey Comperatore Is reasonable IMO. Even though I disagree politically with the comments about the Democrats and the witch-hunts, they didn't detract from the overall message. I believe his tone and efforts to call for unification are respectable steps towards reducing the violent rhetoric.

The rest of the speech was normal things someone campaigning for president would say.
The shooter was no left-winger, and this is going to blunt Trump's use of the incident to promote his campaign. The father of the shooter bought the AR-15 style weapon about 6 months ago and is a registered Libertarian. His wife is a registered Democrat, but his son (the shooter) and daughter are registered Republicans. The shooter was wearing a T-shirt from DemolitionRanch. Draw your own conclusions.

So we've got several ideologies involved if you include the rest of the family. Also the shooter went two ways on his political activity, registering Republican but donating Progressive.

I guess at this point all we can home for is evidence of his motive.

Very impressive progressive credentials that I overlooked: at the age of 17, he donated $15 to the Democratic ActBlue action committee. :rolleyes: He later registered to vote as a Republican, as did his sister. If the slogan on his T-shirt meant anything, it was that he was a gun-fetishist. It isn't possible to conclude anything for certain about his motives, but it is absurd to think that he was some kind of progressive or leftist, most of whom oppose unrestricted gun ownership and legal ownership of assault weapons. :feeling_lucky:
Very impressive credentials, he also checked a box on a form. You know how difficult that is.

Not all leftists or progressives are insane with regards to firearms. Some even own and practice with firearms. Some even respect the 2nd Amendment. Saying "he liked guns" simply means he didn't hate and fear guns the way some radical idiots on the left do.

Jason, pay attention. Thomas Crooks' dad was a registered Libertarian and had legally purchased the gun that his son used. IOW, if you are looking to brand this as an act inspired by political ideology, this one came from your clubhouse. The shooter was wearing a T-shirt with the logo from a radical pro-gun YouTube site, not a Che Guevara T-shirt.

So his dad bought the firearm. Did his dad say "go out and shoot that person" when he did so? Did his dad pull the trigger?

No, his registered Libertarian dad just raised him and bought the weapon used in the shooting.

As further details have emerged, it appears that his dad bought the gun for himself.

If you are looking at a $15 donation to a progressive organization in 2021 as some kind of evidence for his political views, you have to ignore all of the rest of his history,

You're looking at checking a box on a form.

including the fact that he was wearing a T-shirt to his life-ending assassination attempt that advertised an extremist pro-gun YouTube site and had a black "never surrender" American flag on the sleeve.

You think everyone who isn't terrified of guns is a pro-gun extremist. Wow. Impressive. He wasn't a hoplophobe, that makes him right wing.

Did you know men who are afraid of firearms are at a higher risk of contracting cervical cancer?

Oh, and we now know about a Hispanic classmate who was a Trump supporter, and Crooks though this classmate was wrong for going against his race.

And now for some


that allegedly prove you factually correct.

Impressive opinions there.
fist pumped his white power symbol saying Fight, Fight, Fight.

Now a raised fist is a white power symbol.

 Raised fist

The raised fist, or the clenched fist, is a long-standing image of mixed meaning, often a symbol of solidarity, especially with a political movement. It is a common symbol representing a wide range of political ideologies, most notably socialism, communism, anarchism, and trade unionism, and can also be used as a salute expressing unity, strength, or resistance.
I don't know about the rest of you, but I haven't bought into the idea that Americans are stupid.
Mostly with you but then I remember the 2016 election and the 1980&1984 elections…
The two are nothing alike.

Reagan was the governor of California for 8 years, but declined to run for a third term, which he likely would've won. He had been involved in politics for decades before that, and made an experimental run at the White House in 1976. He had the experience, qualifications, charisma, and credibility to become POTUS. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying Reagan was a good POTUS (he wasn't), but he was infinitely more qualified (and more appropriate) than the shrieking unlubricated rape machine AKA Donald J. Trump.

Regardless of how it manifested itself, Reagan really did care about improving America. Trump's only running again to save his own ass from prison and there's nothing he won't do or say to make that happen, regardless of the consequences.
I don’t disagree that Teagan had good intentions. But I do mark the efforts to undermine public education to Reagan’s reign. As for him ‘declining’ to run a third term, the 22nd Amendment forbids such. Reagan was also showing signs of dementia by his second term, confusing his movie roles with actual events he participated in and once, famously opining that trees cause pollution.

Nixon was corrupt and racist but he had the decency to resign when his illegal actions were exposed.
Blah. Nixon didn't resign out of decency. He stepped down so someone else could take his place and issue a presidential pardon. The pardon was highly controversial, and Ford had absolutely nothing to gain from it, aside from potentially leveraging Nixon's knowledge and securing Nixon's support in the future. What Nixon gained from the pardon was the sweet benefit of avoiding jail time.

Ninja Edit: It seems highly implausible that Nixon's resignation and subsequent pardon weren't premeditated. Facing imminent federal charges, it's reasonable to assume he would have reached out to a homie and say'd "Aye mang, wanna be president?".
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Addressing breathing difficulties by forcibly opening the airways neither removes the tumor nor the cancer. Similarly, Trump's death would accomplish nothing positive beyond satisfying those who want to see him dead. I'm sure the shooter would agree with you though.
I think you are missing Elixir's point. If you have cancer that has metastasized throughout your body, it's likely going to be incurable. But that one tumor, although it's symptom of a wider cancer diagnosis, is blocking your airway and will kill you very shortly. If removed, the wider problem still exists, but now you have more time to deal with the cancer and/or deal with your affairs.

We don't have time to deal with our affairs in the US. There's no time to fix all the things that need to be done to fix our democracy, but if we remove this one immediate threat, we have a chance of dealing with the rest.

If we can't remove this one tumor, like, now, it won't matter what else needs to be done because it will be too late.
Let me put it this way then: Remove the tumor, it triggers unstoppable internal bleeding, causing the patient to die faster from the removal than the tumor. Happy now?
Unsecured rooftop with a straight view to the stage. :rolleyes: Anyone observing an aerial view of the site would likely think, "If I don't want personnel on those roofs, I could put a sniper on that water tower." The sniper's job would primarily be to watch that area of the roof with a straight view to the stage.
That's one of about five hundred "plans" that could have stopped the, uh, event.
But that assumes that someone in the Trump camp wanted to stop the "event". Which I increasingly doubt.
Right now I think the probability is that the Crooks kid didn't miss.

I'll just say that I believe this was not planned and leave it at that. I'm not interested in going over the details because it's apparent that doing so won't change anything, but I wanted to make my position clear.
I'll just say that I believe this was not planned
I’ll just say that I don’t have any idea whether it was planned or who could have planned it, and don’t expect any clarity to emerge, at least during my lifetime.
But I know it stinks to high heaven.
Reagan was the governor of California for 8 years, but declined to run for a third term, which he likely would've won. ...
... As for him ‘declining’ to run a third term, the 22nd Amendment forbids such. ...
Reagan was the governor of California for 8 years, but declined to run in 1974 for a third term as governor of California, which he likely would've won.
Let me put it this way then: Remove the tumor, it triggers unstoppable internal bleeding, causing the patient to die faster from the removal than the tumor. Happy now?
Operations are risky. The total societal lobotomy procedure recommended by Trump to preserve the tumor (himself) will almost certainly be fatal to American Democracy. Removing the Trump tumor might cause unstoppable bleeding, or stoppable bleeding or no significant bleeding. I think the VAST majority of Americans would be happy to get rid of the fucker, even the ones who have voted for him. He is just too tiring.
Not Trump exaggerating the blood loss in his speech last night, when some others suffered traumatic injuries/death, not lucky superficial ones. Oh, and saying God did it, and God fucked the victims.

I just watched the first 15 minutes and it seems very effective at playing to emotions to me:

That makes it pretty scary at how much he is milking this.

If it was staged, that would make perfect sense.
Not Trump exaggerating the blood loss in his speech last night, when some others suffered traumatic injuries/death, not lucky superficial ones. Oh, and saying God did it, and God fucked the victims.

I just watched the first 15 minutes and it seems very effective at playing to emotions to me:

That makes it pretty scary at how much he is milking this.

We will have an expert sniper shoot his ear
I doubt that. Let's SEE the wound (that requires a hideous 3"x3" bandage days later). I bet it's a razor blade nick. Why aren't all the slugs accounted for by now?

The aspiring assassin's mother and father told local police that Crooks was missing

Huh? He had called in to work to tell them he "had something to do" on Saturday. How long had the parents been fretting about him being "missing"? A 20 year old? Did they call his workplace to see if they had heard from him, or were the police their first option? When was the last time they had seen him? How long is a 20 yr old allowed to be out of touch before parents call the police? On a twenty year old? This whole thing stinks to high heaven. Bunch-o-Trumpsuckers, so nothing can be taken at face value.
I agree that it is extremely suspicious that the alleged bullet wound occurred. Also, that a man who people who knew him say was a very poor shooter could do such a precise hit.
Another thing that is suspicious is that the wound should have been examined by a police authorized doctor at a hospital, photos taken, and a forensic specialist also look at the wound. But there has been no medical details released, and this procedurally required visit to a hospital didn't happen. Also, Trump immediately claimed it was a bullet wound, and it was impossible for him to know this.
In addition, if a genuine bullet wound Trump would have been screaming at the time, and complaining constantly since then.
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