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Trump falls!! Hurt too

Oh my God! All these CTs. I thought you people were better than this.
^ This.

Trump was shot at. He sustained a very minor injury. Nothing in this is sufficiently implausible as to justify any suggestion that it was planned (by anyone other than the shooter).

Literally every CT here is far less plausible. Trump isn't competent to stage something like this; He is, however, highly adept at spinning the situation to make himself look good - making himself look good is practically his only skill.
Oh my God! All these CTs. I thought you people were better than this.
^ This.

Trump was shot at. He sustained a very minor injury. Nothing in this is sufficiently implausible as to justify any suggestion that it was planned (by anyone other than the shooter).

Literally every CT here is far less plausible. Trump isn't competent to stage something like this; He is, however, highly adept at spinning the situation to make himself look good - making himself look good is practically his only skill.
It’s still reasonable to expect there to be medical records though. Why aren’t those available?
A gifted NYT article with details of the security procedures.

Thought here--I can't picture the Secret Service leaving him up on stage with a suspected sniper about. Thus I strongly suspect he refused to leave because of threats.

Was SS seen talking to him before the shot?
No. The police were looking for a suspicious man with a gun. It was the police that had talked to him earlier.
Or 3. He was rushed, having seen that he was being surveilled and guys were coming up on the roof...
#1 would have required a death wish. Intent would be difficult to discern, but given the history, the result he got may well have been it.
I do think he must have had a death wish, you can't hope to shoot at the president from the open and survive.
You can hope for anything you like.

Stupid people don't necessarily think ahead, and if they do, they don't necessarily reach correct conclusions, even if these seem obvious to less stupid observers.

I think he both hoped and expected to become famous and adored as the elite marksman who killed both candidates for the 2024 election, and was never caught; He planned to become an international man of mystery, touring the world as a wealthy and redpected hit-man, getting tons of girls and driving supercars, and leaving his school bullies in awe at his greatness, and deeply ashamed at their failure to recognise it.

Stupid people, particularly those who own magical artefacts, such as the mythical and invincible AR-15, can very easily build up such hopes.
Note the info recovered from his phone included "major depressive disorder".

I don't think he was irrational enough to think he could get away. This was a suicide.
I think it is much more likely that a loner who was rejected by even gun peers wanted to make a point. He got to a position to do as such because security was not as effective because of a ton of false negatives on security and candidate/President security.
Public shootings are usually a form of suicide. A nobody who chooses to die in infamy rather than continue to be a nobody. I see no reason to think this is any different.
Sure, but that's only because you lack the inagination and empathy to put yourself in the shoes of a loser with a gun fetish.
Mass shooters tend to off themselves once their plots are foiled.
The Secret Service operates with a $3 billion budget, yet they couldn't allocate approximately $150 for essential items like an umbrella and a roll of heat-resistant material.

View attachment 46824 View attachment 46825
Umbrellas aren't miracle tools. They're good against the sun in low wind conditions, once you get much breeze they become quite hard to keep in place.
There are now bandages (they can cost up to $2 each so maybe more than Trump is willing to spend) that can protect a wound from infection without needing more than a millimeter or two beyond the wound margins for adhesion.
Except the ear is probably the hardest place to put a large bandage. There is a viable reason for his ear to be bandaged as such. Seriously, I can't believe this is what we are talking about.

Not Trump exaggerating the blood loss in his speech last night, when some others suffered traumatic injuries/death, not lucky superficial ones. Oh, and saying God did it, and God fucked the victims.
I don't think there is.

I can see a reason against the sort of bandage Elixir is talking about in that such things can be lacking when fit to complex shapes. And if the injury is on the top of the ear rather than the side I could see value in something that has a certain amount of stiffness to avoid wrapping directly over the injury.

However, that bandage looks excessive. And it doesn't look to be properly affixed, either.
Oh my God! All these CTs. I thought you people were better than this.
^ This.

Trump was shot at. He sustained a very minor injury. Nothing in this is sufficiently implausible as to justify any suggestion that it was planned (by anyone other than the shooter).

Literally every CT here is far less plausible. Trump isn't competent to stage something like this; He is, however, highly adept at spinning the situation to make himself look good - making himself look good is practically his only skill.
Of course he isn't.

I consider it certain that this was one deranged shooter acting on his own.

I consider it unproven whether he was hit by a bullet or spalling. There's considerable PR value from the former, to the point that I don't trust the reporting. I also consider it unimportant.

What I consider questionable is:

1) Whether his plans leaked and he was up there with a sabotaged weapon. If so, very few people know.

2) Whether the guy was really shooting at The Felon.
Oh my God! All these CTs. I thought you people were better than this.
^ This.

Trump was shot at. He sustained a very minor injury. Nothing in this is sufficiently implausible as to justify any suggestion that it was planned (by anyone other than the shooter).

Literally every CT here is far less plausible. Trump isn't competent to stage something like this; He is, however, highly adept at spinning the situation to make himself look good - making himself look good is practically his only skill.
It’s still reasonable to expect there to be medical records though. Why aren’t those available?
I do not think that it is reasonable to expect anyone's medical records to be made public.

You could, perhaps, argue that there should be a public interest exception for the President; But Trump is not the President.
1) Whether his plans leaked and he was up there with a sabotaged weapon.
No. That's absurd.
If so, very few people know.
Except, apparently, you. :rolleyesa:
2) Whether the guy was really shooting at The Felon.

Yes he was.


It is absurd to suggest otherwise.
Early on, like in the first hour there are questions. Those initial questions have been answered. It is a lot easier to explain this as a lone wolf being able to get through incompetent security that is a result of two generations since the last Presidential attack than a ridiculous series of convoluted conspirtorial actions.

Do you actually believe this shit or do you think it pwns the libs and you enjoy that part of it?
I know you do.
So, not a misogynist, you just like to promote the misogyny of others for fun.
One thing I noticed is the Venn diagram crossover of this DEI bullshit from the alt-right and the people "defending" women from the transgenders. IE, the people trying to save women sports, are mocking women in the workforce.
Trump was shot at.
No question. Shots happened, and the shooter was a MAGAt.
… why?
Is there evidence he was a Trump supporter?
What would constitute evidence?
He was a diehard conservative according to classmates, daddy is a trumpsucker ... I suppose all that could be evidence for or against whatever.
The guy is dead now, so any assertion about his beliefs is speculative for sure. But the guy warn't no dam lib'rul. So the "why" question remains unaddressed.
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