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Trump Will Likely Win

In what real world viewpoint is Kamala "far left"?
I already explained. She was deemed one of the most left-wing Senators during her tenure and she advocated some out there left-wing positions when she was running for president in 2019.
Except that I'm not a leftist. Also I was not advocating for an insurrection, but the opposite - for the military to do their duty and act to prevent an insurrection.
You most definitely advocated for an insurrection. In the post I quoted below you want US military to overthrow Trump in the case he wins the election.
I find it extremely unlikely that Trump will win. However, in the unlikely circumstance that he does, then it will be to the eternal shame of the United States. It will also be justification for the military to finally decide to honor their oath to protect the country from domestic enemies (Trump).
The operative word there is “too”. If she were too far left for the electorate she wouldn’t be polling as high as she is and having as good a chance at electoral victory as she does.
So, by observation she is clearly not too far left.
You have to consider whom she is running against. Much of her support is because she is running against Trump. Any yellow dog of a Democrat would be polling relatively well against Trump. That is not saying anything where she is vs. the electorate.

In fact, she did not go far in the 2020 race (in fact she dropped out before 2020 rolled around) and she was never popular as Veep. Her popularity soared only after Dems settled on her (by default really) when she took over for Biden as the nominee.
You assume that where Harris landed on positions when she was one voice in a hundred representing the state of California is where she will land on positions when she is one voice of one representing the United States.
She also advocated left-wing positions when she ran for president in 2019. Things like banning fracking/offshore drilling and private health insurance. Now she is supporting spending plans that exceed even what Biden wanted to spend in his $3.5T plan. For example, he wanted to give away $3k per year per child, while she is boosting that to $6k in the first year.
Senator, VP, and president are three different jobs that require her to conduct herself three different ways.
True, and she did moderate her positions somewhat as running mate. But as president she would not be so restrained.
And with Manchin and Sinema gone, I fear that a Democratic-controlled Senate would be a rubber stamp body for her spending plans.
Speaking of Manchin, he doesn't want to endorse her because she wants to end the filibuster.

Manchin won’t endorse Harris over vow to gut filibuster to codify abortion rights: ‘Shame on her’
No, your attempt at humor proved my point.
It was more than an attempt and you proved jack shit.
Not any criticism, just the sexist or racist ones. How about you criticize her actual official actions or policies instead of imaginary quid pro quos or personal appearance or attributes?
I mostly focus on her positions. Just look at my other posts in this thread.
And I would spend far less time talking about her quite read quid-pro-quo if you and others would not act so butthurt every time it is mentioned.
The resident whiner apparently thinks lefties have launched a deadly assault upon the Nation's Capitol to halt Congressional certification of some right winger who won an election. He is badly mistaken, and probably knows it. But RW hypocrisy knows no bounds.
Spacetime inhabitant is explicitly calling for a military coup in case Trump wins.
I find it extremely unlikely that Trump will win. However, in the unlikely circumstance that he does, then it will be to the eternal shame of the United States. It will also be justification for the military to finally decide to honor their oath to protect the country from domestic enemies (Trump).
The operative word there is “too”. If she were too far left for the electorate she wouldn’t be polling as high as she is and having as good a chance at electoral victory as she does.
So, by observation she is clearly not too far left.
You have to consider whom she is running against. Much of her support is because she is running against Trump. Any yellow dog of a Democrat would be polling relatively well against Trump. That is not saying anything where she is vs. the electorate.
so, your contention is that if she were running against anyone but Donald she would be considered too far left and would not garner nearly enough support to win or come close to winning. That Democrats are essentially forced into supporting a far left candidate because Donald is such a horribly bad Presidential candidate who would make our country than any far left policies possibly could.
so, your contention is that if she were running against anyone but Donald she would be considered too far left and would not garner nearly enough support to win or come close to winning.
IOW, black woman.
If Gavin Newsome was running on a similar platform it would be closer to that of GHWB than to say, Bernie. But …
Black woman.
We could have this again!
Those wells have all since been drained, although, if this photo is from LA, there are still some working wells there, although not on the beach. They look like this.

Also, with modern technology, such as horizontal drilling and maximum reservoir contact wells, you can get a lot more oil with a much smaller above-ground footprint than in the days of Daniel Plainview.

And what is your larger point? That we do not need oil? We still very much do. New EV sales are still <10% of new car sales. Even if all new cars sold are some form of EVs by 2040, modern cars can last 20 years or more.
We will need to drill for oil for a long time to come. Kamala's idea to ban fracking and offshore drilling was idiotic.
Yes, we will need oil for a long time to come. I just think fracking is not worth the risk when there better places to drill. Actually, I am in favor of expanding drilling in Alaska. Infrastructure is there and they have a pretty good record. And, don't bring up Exon/Valdes, that was a shipping mistake that has been fixed.
It matters not in the least that the "hard left positions" don't exist.
Of course they exist.
[partisan whining snipped]it's like their own exclusive "we know best" club.
Both sides think they know best.
Even the farthest lefty on the left - Bernie Sanders - doesn't really hold any "hard left" positions I can think of. In Europe, he'd be considered "center left" at best,
Not really. Take this chart.
US Dems re right there among European center-left parties. If you go to the NY Times article there is an interactive version of this so you can hover over the circles that are not identified by name in the static version of the chart.
Now this is from 2019, and Dems have lurched to the left since then. UK Labour has moved toward the middle since they ditched Comrade Jezza as leader too.
Sanders is well to the left of US Democrats, which means he is to the left of center-left European parties as well.
and Harris is way to the right of Bernie.
But she is to the left of most Democrats, including Elizabeth Warren, according to GovTrack.
WaPo has these graphics for GovTrack data.

This is the average over her tenure. This second graph shows that she moved markedly to the left over time, even overtaking Bernie in the outer left lane by the time she was running for president.
But the MAGA base (and a good portion of the rank and file Republicans) believe that anything more liberal than the John Birch Society is downright communist.
MAGAs might believe that, but rational people don't. Nevertheless, Kamala Harris is to the left of most Democrats.
The thing is, the "radical left" Democrats like "Komrade Kamala" aren't doing anything to dispel this notion or point out the difference. The "left" within the party is shouting from the rooftops "SHE'S NOT LEFT!" but that's not going to reach the ears of someone wearing a "fuck your feelings" t-shirt at a rally in East Bumblefuck.
Who is this '"left" within the party' who don't think that Kamala Harris is left? Are they still hung up on her being "Copmala" and can't fathom that a prosecutor can be on the left?
They don't grasp that the "radical left" ACA has roots in a plan originally pushed by the folks behind Project 2025, and that expanding private healthcare coverage by giving government subsidies to people so they can buy plans from for-profit insurance companies is about as "far left" as Barry Goldwater's right testicle.
Who is this imaginary "they". They are certainly not in the room with us. ACA was a moderate plan. Single payer isn't. Banning fracking isn't.
Giving lip service support to unions isn't "hard left."
Biden-Harris did far more than give lip service to Unions, even radical ones like UAW under Shawn Fain.
Continuing economic policies which allow the exploitation of workers in the Global South so that Wall Street can make the deep end of the money pool even deeper isn't "hard left." Giving a Taiwanese chip maker billions in subsidies to build a plant in America, but not tying that money to a guarantee that the employees will be unionized or even protected from "right to work" laws isn't "hard left." Continuing to grant huge contracts to the industrial half of the military-industrial complex so they can do things like overcharge for a can of Diet Coke on a military base isn't "hard left."
Are all these things part of Kamala's agenda? Or are you imputing everythinbg Biden did to her?
Biden is certainly not nearly as far left as Harris, even though he was pulled to the left while in office.
Also, I agree with you 100% on overcharging military for simple items. But I think right-to-work laws are a good thing. Nobody should be forced to join a union in order to work, especially when unions spend a lot of effort on left-wing political advocacy that has nothing to do with collective bargaining. For example against Israel defending itself against Gaza or in support of a convicted cop killer.
"Left" would be breaking up Amazon, Google, Microsoft, WalMart, and other corporate giants. "Hard left" would be breaking them up AND making them owned/run by the workers.
Would you just steal the equity from the stockholders or would there be fair market value compensation involved?
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Trump has again stated that he lost the 2020 election, and once again he frames it as "We lost by a whisker." Are these words falling into a vacuum? Don't his followers realize that when he says that, he's admitting that he lied to all of them since 2020, that he lied to the Jan. 6 mob, that Ginny Thomas and Rudy G. and all the other Stop the Steal promoters have been revealed as, at best, saps and suckers, and at worst, corrupt insurrectionists like The Combover himself? Don't they realize that because he lied about 2020, he's the worst and most depraved man to have ever held the Presidency? Functionally, a traitor? Again, if you support someone like Trump, who shows no respect whatever for our traditions and our belief in the consent of the governed, do you deserve to live in a democracy with citizen's rights?
Trump has again stated that he lost the 2020 election, and once again he frames it as "We lost by a whisker."
He has to. As bilby pointed out: if Trump won in 2020, he is barred from running again under the 22nd Amendment.
Like that would matter. He’s already barred from running again under the 14th amendment and no one cares about that.
He's doing nothing to appeal to younger voters, and is actively turning them off by being so clearly ignorant of things that they're familiar with like crypto and Taylor Swift. He's got "celebrities" in his corner that nobody under 30 knows anything about, while Harris has Beyonce, Taylor, Lil Jon, and all sorts of other pop culture figures to help her (a 60 year old) seem at least a little relatable to younger voters.
Crypto (a boondoggle that is bad for the climate to boot), Taylor Swift, coconut trees and being a brat.
FSM help us!
Like that would matter. He’s already barred from running again under the 14th amendment and no one cares about that.
Do you mean section 3? No, that has already been adjudicated.
Besides, Section 5 gives Congress the power of enforcement, and they have not done so in this case.
Trump has again stated that he lost the 2020 election, and once again he frames it as "We lost by a whisker."
He has to. As bilby pointed out: if Trump won in 2020, he is barred from running again under the 22nd Amendment.
Ehhh. I'm no lawyer, but #22 says you can't be elected more than twice. And Biden was elected in '20. The Amendment doesn't cover "won the votes but had it stolen," because up until Trump, I guess no one dreamed that there could be such a preposterous claim and that a party would follow it as an article of faith.
But anyway, are you saying that Trumpies "know" he's lying about losing?? That they really think he won, but that he's saying he lost to satisfy the Constitution?? And that this question never occurred to Trump or his team until last month? I guess there are some of 'em are that far down the rabbit hole that no light from the surface is reaching them.
That reminds me - I have been asked to be a trainer for the next Australia Feral Election. I must say yes to that e-mail.
What are you voting for? Dingos?
The US has two and a half months between election day and inaugauration day; Why would it matter if it took a month to count all the votes? That would still leave enough time for a full recount...
Ain't nobody got time for that.
We want to know 5 minutes after the polls close.
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