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Trump Will Likely Win

What are these "hard left positions" people think Harris will adopt? For some reason people who keep saying that fail to specify what those are (Not referring to you, TV&CC).
resident_RW_whiner said:
I was just illustrating how it's never considered "insurrection" when a leftist does it

The resident whiner apparently thinks lefties have launched a deadly assault upon the Nation's Capitol to halt Congressional certification of some right winger who won an election. He is badly mistaken, and probably knows it. But RW hypocrisy knows no bounds.
What are these "hard left positions" people think Harris will adopt? For some reason people who keep saying that fail to specify what those are (Not referring to you, TV&CC).
And how many of those positions are only instantiated by Congress? Presidents can say what they want to happen in the law but the legislature has to enact it so much of what they campaign on never happens.
What are these "hard left positions" people think Harris will adopt? For some reason people who keep saying that fail to specify what those are (Not referring to you, TV&CC).
And how many of those positions are only instantiated by Congress? Presidents can say what they want to happen in the law but the legislature has to enact it so much of what they campaign on never happens.
It matters not in the least that the "hard left positions" don't exist. The GQP platform is entirely founded upon lies and disinformation. They have discovered that they can win elections on the backs of stupid people, ignorant people and greedy opportunists who can be lured by false promises. They've had a taste of success with it, and now there's no going back. What was the Republican party is now The Party Of Lies and Treason. And they love it; it's like their own exclusive "we know best" club.
I truly believe that some very long prison sentences need to be handed down, or this nation will soon be no more..
Sadly, no. Democrats have focused so much on women's issues, they have neglected appealing to men.
The Men:
View attachment 47838
If Harris needs the racist vote, the misogynist vote or the idiot vote
(and I'm not saying she doesn't), she's in deep trouble.
I want to thank you for that appetite suppressant photo which is indelibly etched in my memory.
What makes her too left?

She was ranked by GovTrack as one of the most left-wing Senators during her tenure. Only Jeff Merkley, Kristen Gillebrand, and, of course, Bernie Sanders were to her left. Yes, even Elizabeth Warren.
During the 2020 race, she also staked some far left positions, like banning fracking and offshore drilling as well as getting rid of private health insurance.

Why do you not think she is too far left?
Okay, what are her positions that make her a leftist?
She is a black woman who is in the standing position. Nothing else is necessary.
I guess not wanting innocents to die in wars is a "hard left position".
That depends. If the desire reaches the point of being completely anti-war, then yes, it's hard left. If it just means that there's an understanding that innocents die in wars, but some wars are still justified even knowing innocents will die, that's not a hard left position. Innocents have died in the Russia-Ukraine war, yet the Democrats still support Ukraine fighting it. With the Israel-Hamas war, it's more about where one draws the line for "acceptable" number of innocent deaths.
I guess not wanting innocents to die in wars is a "hard left position".
That depends. If the desire reaches the point of being completely anti-war, then yes, it's hard left. If it just means that there's an understanding that innocents die in wars, but some wars are still justified even knowing innocents will die, that's not a hard left position. Innocents have died in the Russia-Ukraine war, yet the Democrats still support Ukraine fighting it. With the Israel-Hamas war, it's more about where one draws the line for "acceptable" number of innocent deaths.

Well I'm not completely anti-war, but would agree that constitutes hard left I suppose.
What are these "hard left positions" people think Harris will adopt?
She's well known for supporting far left positions like funding the government and following constitutional law.
That last one is anathema to MAGAts.
They like (other people) funding the government as long as government spending isn’t wasted on stuff that’s Constitutional.
This is from a Georgia Voter. And why I fear Harris has no chance.


I actually responded to her with this:

Well, first off, whatever your faith, Jesus is not a political King for us. There are too many other faith groups out there for Jesus to be accepted as King. This is not a “Christian country” despite so many people claiming it is. Almost 30% of Americans are not religious at all. A smattering other faiths pull the number of Christian’s down even further. And that’s just self professed Christians. Considering the different denominations from Catholics to mainline Protestants to Evangelicals to Mormons and there are simply no majority views on Jesus. He would not be an appropriate king.

There’s also the notion that politicians are enriching themselves on the backs of the poor. I’m not really sure what you mean. A congressional salary is really not a whole lot, especially since DC is one of our most expensive cities. Many of them are forced to live in group homes and this is a serious issue. Most maintain a home as well in their district and this adds significant costs to them as they are only reimbursed for travel back and forth like twice during a session. Realistically they travel back and forth frequently. They are not allowed to keep campaign contributions for themselves. They can only use them for campaign work or donate them away. So I am not sure how exactly they are living off the poor. Most congressmen as a result come from a wealthier background. This too creates problems for us. We need to significantly raise their salaries and provide them with appropriate housing allowances for the DC area. Something we do for senior military officials.

You then claim that there is only one person in the race who is not out to enrich himself. On this one I must profoundly disagree. Trump indeed did use his office to enrich himself. He kept business entities that foreign dignitaries deliberately used so that they could ingratiate themselves to him. He’s running now to stop him from being held accountable for many crimes he has committed both in and out of office.

I certainly do not see Kamala Harris enriching herself. How so exactly? If she has there would be criminal investigations. I suppose she will eventually make money on a book deal when her term is up. I don’t really have a problem with that. She might make money on the speakers circuit. I wouldn’t pay for it but if she does so be it. I can’t claim that’s the worst thing about the system.

Then you claim that he is going to protect our freedoms and she will take them away. Can you be more specific? What freedoms did we lose under Biden? What exactly did we lose during the pandemic? I do not see Harris or Biden campaigning on a platform that establishes them as dictators. Trump has openly called for that. His own team calls for the so called Unitary Executive Theory. A legal theory that basically says the President can do anything and it’s legal because he says it is. That would indeed be a significant loss of our freedom. Trump deliberately tried to overthrow our constitution after he lost the election. There is no credible evidence of election fraud. It’s just a claim he constantly makes. He called for the suspension of the constitution in one of his tweets. That alone should disqualify him. He should be barred by the 14th Amendment.

He has called for the prosecution, not just of a few individuals but of an entire class of people whom he considers enemies. I’m stunned that anyone would think that he will protect our freedoms.

Then there are reproductive freedoms that have been lost due to Trump’s appointments. Republicans are trying to even outlaw contraceptive use and other forms of reproduction control. Some, like Trump’s buddy, Robinson in NC, have called for a repeal of women’s right to vote. And you think they’re going to protect your freedom? It’s beyond absurd. They are a real threat to our freedoms.

While I certainly disagree with Harris and Biden on many issues profoundly. They will not violate their oath of office as Trump both did and has called for repeatedly since he lost the election. It’s a no-brainer. Harris is thousand times better for the nation than Trump.

I just don’t expect it to do any good. Jesus is King and that’s the only thing that matters and Jesus wants you to vote for Trump. ‘Nough said. I fear that so many people in Pennsylvania and other swing states will follow this exact train of thought.

Sad. I fail to understand why anyone with half a brain would ever vote for this fucktard. I’m stunned that people actually buy into his being a Christian. He’s obviously not.
What are these "hard left positions" people think Harris will adopt? For some reason people who keep saying that fail to specify what those are (Not referring to you, TV&CC).
And how many of those positions are only instantiated by Congress? Presidents can say what they want to happen in the law but the legislature has to enact it so much of what they campaign on never happens.
It surprises me just how many Americans seem to think that the office of President is basically that of an absolute dictator, but with term limits.

It surprised me even more when, in 2016, one of them managed to maintain that erroneous belief, even after being elected to that office.
What are these "hard left positions" people think Harris will adopt? For some reason people who keep saying that fail to specify what those are (Not referring to you, TV&CC).
And how many of those positions are only instantiated by Congress? Presidents can say what they want to happen in the law but the legislature has to enact it so much of what they campaign on never happens.
It matters not in the least that the "hard left positions" don't exist. The GQP platform is entirely founded upon lies and disinformation. They have discovered that they can win elections on the backs of stupid people, ignorant people and greedy opportunists who can be lured by false promises. They've had a taste of success with it, and now there's no going back. What was the Republican party is now The Party Of Lies and Treason. And they love it; it's like their own exclusive "we know best" club.
That disinformation helps them by keeping their constituents more or less completely ignorant. Even the farthest lefty on the left - Bernie Sanders - doesn't really hold any "hard left" positions I can think of. In Europe, he'd be considered "center left" at best, and Harris is way to the right of Bernie.

But the MAGA base (and a good portion of the rank and file Republicans) believe that anything more liberal than the John Birch Society is downright communist. The thing is, the "radical left" Democrats like "Komrade Kamala" aren't doing anything to dispel this notion or point out the difference. The "left" within the party is shouting from the rooftops "SHE'S NOT LEFT!" but that's not going to reach the ears of someone wearing a "fuck your feelings" t-shirt at a rally in East Bumblefuck. They don't grasp that the "radical left" ACA has roots in a plan originally pushed by the folks behind Project 2025, and that expanding private healthcare coverage by giving government subsidies to people so they can buy plans from for-profit insurance companies is about as "far left" as Barry Goldwater's right testicle.

Giving lip service support to unions isn't "hard left." Continuing economic policies which allow the exploitation of workers in the Global South so that Wall Street can make the deep end of the money pool even deeper isn't "hard left." Giving a Taiwanese chip maker billions in subsidies to build a plant in America, but not tying that money to a guarantee that the employees will be unionized or even protected from "right to work" laws isn't "hard left." Continuing to grant huge contracts to the industrial half of the military-industrial complex so they can do things like overcharge for a can of Diet Coke on a military base isn't "hard left."

"Left" would be breaking up Amazon, Google, Microsoft, WalMart, and other corporate giants. "Hard left" would be breaking them up AND making them owned/run by the workers.
What are these "hard left positions" people think Harris will adopt? For some reason people who keep saying that fail to specify what those are (Not referring to you, TV&CC).
And how many of those positions are only instantiated by Congress? Presidents can say what they want to happen in the law but the legislature has to enact it so much of what they campaign on never happens.
It surprises me just how many Americans seem to think that the office of President is basically that of an absolute dictator, but with term limits.

It surprised me even more when, in 2016, one of them managed to maintain that erroneous belief, even after being elected to that office.
It’s been like that as long as I can remember. Presidents almost always run on legislative priorities. They rarely comment on actual Presidential duties.

If the idea is that the legislative representatives base their priorities on the President’s then have ceded a lot of power.

But I think most people, on both sides, actually want a dictatorial President and they get upset when their legislative desires don’t get fulfilled, blaming the President for Congress’ inaction.

Pretty messed up…
What are these "hard left positions" people think Harris will adopt? For some reason people who keep saying that fail to specify what those are (Not referring to you, TV&CC).
And how many of those positions are only instantiated by Congress? Presidents can say what they want to happen in the law but the legislature has to enact it so much of what they campaign on never happens.
It surprises me just how many Americans seem to think that the office of President is basically that of an absolute dictator monarch, but with term limits.

It surprised me even more when, in 2016, one of them managed to maintain that erroneous belief, even after being elected to that office.
The minds of Trump supporters:

View attachment 47853

Perhaps the one thing that may save us is that while this is what his supporters think (the one about censorship is especially funny since the right is banning/burning books and passing "don't say gay" laws), I don't see how he has more supporters than he did in 2020.

His campaign has tried to rein him in, but all he wants to do is whip up the base. That works well for a primary, but once you get to the general you've really gotta start working to convince those "undecided" voters and independents to check the box for you. That always means toning down the extremism, moderating positions, and attempting to appeal to the center. He has done nothing to appeal to anyone but his most ardent cult followers.

Plus, there's the fact that the pandemic disproportionately affected older Republican/Trump voters. Upwards of a million of the voters he depended upon in the past are no longer around. He's doing nothing to appeal to younger voters, and is actively turning them off by being so clearly ignorant of things that they're familiar with like crypto and Taylor Swift. He's got "celebrities" in his corner that nobody under 30 knows anything about, while Harris has Beyonce, Taylor, Lil Jon, and all sorts of other pop culture figures to help her (a 60 year old) seem at least a little relatable to younger voters.
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