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  1. R

    A Vote for Kamala Is a Vote for Tyranny

    https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2024/09/01/a-vote-for-kamala-is-a-vote-for-tyranny/ Kamala said “he (Musk) has lost his privileges and it (X) must be taken down.” Kamala is saying that free speech, the bedrock foundation of American freedom is a privilege granted by government, and by refusing...
  2. R

    Trump is finally getting his balls back and the Democrats are switching place with the Republicans

    RFK jr. recently announced he is suspending his campaign and endorsing Trump in the swing states. In this campaign video we hear RFK jr and Trump saying that they: 1. Want to get us out the wars 2. Rebuild the industrial base for middle class jobs 3. End censorship 4. Investigate the pharma and...
  3. R

    Multi-Billionaire Oprah Whines About Sexism & Income Inequality At DNC

    I have no problem with Oprah's massive wealth but I sure have a problem with her hypocrisy. 40 years ago black female Oprah owned her tv station and now she is whining about sexism? So we have had sexism for 40 years now while she made billion's? If she is so worried about income...
  4. R

    The Democrats are going to rig the next election the same way they cheated last time

    ...from legal citizens. These should be federal laws for federal elections such as the POTUS. "When combined with mail-in ballots, the system is *designed* to make it impossible to prove fraud.Mail-in and drop box ballots should not be allowed, as cameras on the in-person voting stations...
  5. R

    Has Senilitygate finally led the fake mainstream media to learn their lesson?

    Nope! https://anncoulter.substack.com/p/senilitygate-and-mrs-alitos-flags "The media’s playing Praetorian Guard for one party isn’t good for democracy, but oddly, it’s not even good for the Democrats." Coulter makes the (excellent) argument media could help democracy and the democratic party...
  6. R

    Is Populism a threat to Democracy?

    Nancy Pelosi offers the compelling 10 minute argument that modern populism has become a threat to democracy here: But Winston counters her argument here: While I do believe Pelosi has the correct stance regarding the negative uses of populism especially by a con artists, it is the...
  7. R

    Fauci Should Be In Prison - Senator Rand Paul

    In case you do not like this source, hear what Rand Paul says from :58 to 3:30 Rand Paul and others have been making the case this pandemic was the result of bio weapons research (gain of function). And that during the pandemic Fauci provably lied to the public; his private emails directly...
  8. R

    The Deplorables are fighting back

    The Truckers Are Back...But This Time It's Different https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/fk-around-find-out-truckers-warn-loads-nyc-will-be-rejected-starting-monday?ref=biztoc.com What this country needs is a good old-fashioned trucker boycott of democrat-run cities. The left needs to be...
  9. R

    The usual hypocrites blowing huge amounts of carbon and hot air around

    As someone who actually does support protecting the environment, it just amazes and sickens me how the liberals drink and suck up the cool aid coming from the Davos attendees (such as John Kerry). The CO2 emissions produced from their jets alone work out to the equivalent carbon coming from...
  10. R

    To Give You a Size of the Immense and Growing Size of Illegal Immigration

    There are a lot of people on this board who are very disappointed with Trump and maga supporters, and I get that. But what I do not understand is why these same people welcome and celebrate the same politicians and people directly responsible for lost voters in US central states to vote for...
  11. R

    Hunter Biden spent over $850k in one year on hookers and blow

    https://www.newsweek.com/hunter-biden-hookers-payments-tax-evasion-1850678 Now that's what I call some serious partying, and certainly enough to make me jealous with envy! Those whores must have been the finest you could buy.
  12. R

    Did Trump tell people to drink bleach to kill the coronavirus?

    Even now most democrats think he said this even though he did not. And even now his own staff think he said this which he in fact did not (see 32:40-32:50) here: But this is what he really said...
  13. R

    Moved RFK JR Declares INDEPENDENT Presidential Run

    Having more choices than Biden and Trump can't be bad....
  14. R

    The southern US border is insane right now.

    According to what is being reported by the authorities who know and see the trend, will double each year. 4.5 million this year, 9 million next year, 18 million, etc. No matter what side your ideology is, where will these people go? Where will they live when an average house cost $500k and...
  15. R

    Split Rs vs Ds And The Middle Class - split from RFK -D ???

    There was a time and not that long ago that the Democrat party was more focused on the needs of individuals and working class than powerful pharmaceutical monopolies. Especially poor individuals who had no way to discern what large corporations were really up to. Fast forward to today...
  16. R

    Is Student Debt a Crime Against America's Future?

    I find myself in agreement with both of the Democrat and Republican position on this issue. On the one hand, I believe the Republicans are correct that current student debt can not be forgiven. Because to do (as it is currently setup) creates a HUGE moral hazard for the people who were (and...
  17. R

    Special Counsel John Durham Exonerates Donald Trump of “Russiagate”

    "Durham’s long awaited Justice Department report concludes that the FBI investigation was politically motivated and that the FBI should never have investigated Trump...In other words the FBI’s creation of a false narrative in order to severely influence an election is “devastating to the FBI,”...
  18. R

    The Biden crime family

    At first glance this actually appears serious and I've also heard other sources saying this is much deeper than just hype. But the Democrat mainstream media apologists have yet to make a response so time will tell the real story. No matter what Biden's family actually did, we can already...
  19. R

    Split Presidential Impeachment Discussion

    :staffwarn: Split from here In a better world. the GOP would simply impeach Biden over something equally ridiculous as what the Democrats did to Trump. None of this will happen this time around since they don't have enough majority in congress, but the Democrats have shown them what to do when...
  20. R

    Trump's plan to fix higher education

    Hold higher institutions accountable for getting rid of extra and needless administration, reduce costs, and give them an accreditation system. Basically do what the smaller trade colleges have already proven successful. Its refreshing to hear a politician actually saying what the rest of us...
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