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  1. F

    Mueller investigation

    Why is Russia so shitty that it can only afford you to defend them here? Scraping the bottom of the barrel.
  2. F

    The three types of masculinism

    Easy there snowflake. Women are not coming for you, famously they will not come for you.
  3. F

    The Ukranian "rebels" were from Moscow

    Why is your country such a shitshow? You are even banned for the Olympics en masse because you are incapable of being civilised. How about you guys just withdraw for the next 20-50 years and rejoin the community of nations when you can act like adults? It´s not like the rest of the world...
  4. F

    Moody Analytics - Trump Policies a Disaster

    The Twittler Youth are easily entertained.
  5. F

    Europe submits voluntarily

    Jesus Christ on a pogostick! What´s the matter with you? None of those things are banned, you can stil flog your tits on the beach here, there are tits, beer and fucking pork everywhere. Have you not been to Europe since your family fled to Argentina in 1945?
  6. F

    #MeToo goes full prude. Never go full prude!

    Have you ever in your adult life had a conversation with a woman that is not part of some sort of transaction, not with a barista or the lady at the DMV? You seem to live a life where women are like a different species to you.
  7. F

    The Ukranian "rebels" were from Moscow

    Ukraine unlike Russia is getting better and if it aligns itself with the EU it has a future, if it is taken over by Russia then it becomes a part of a regressing mini empire that has GDP per capita on par with Lebanon and the Maldives a shell of a country with a falling life expectancy, birth...
  8. F

    Mueller investigation

    What does that even mean Moscow Barbie?
  9. F

    Europe submits voluntarily

    So Derec, how much time do you spend, per day seeking out stuff that offends you and makes you impotently angry? Six hours, more? Because it looks to me that you have a veritable library in your computer of thing that offend your snowflake heart. Do you think that you would be happier and more...
  10. F

    The Ukranian "rebels" were from Moscow

    Do you really believe this? That someone would choose Russia, which is as your man Trumps says a "shithole"? Why would anyone choose Russia?
  11. F

    High Level Trump Admins Secretly Meeting With Russian Spy Chiefs

    Have you checked out Dismal´s post history, this guy is like his little sibling.
  12. F

    Europe submits voluntarily

    Sad strange little snowflake.
  13. F

    #MeToo goes full prude. Never go full prude!

    Ooops looks like Derec is triggered again. Well spring is coming and that´s when the snowflakes start melting.
  14. F

    The Ukranian "rebels" were from Moscow

    If you are payed by Moscow I think they should ask about a refund. But it´s not like Russia is brimming with talent.
  15. F

    The Ukranian "rebels" were from Moscow

    Yes who would not like to be part of the awesome place that is Russia. Average lifespan is a generous 70 years, on par with India and the GDP per person is an amazing 7800$, the tech sector is blooming, who has not used the latest tech gadget from the Russian factories....er it seems that Russia...
  16. F

    The Ukranian "rebels" were from Moscow

    Moscow Barbie strikes again.
  17. F

    Major snow storm forecast for London

    If Trausti had the inclination and the ability to "look up" thing, do you think he would be like the way he is? You don´t become a Twittler Youth because Harvard was to easy.
  18. F

    Major snow storm forecast for London

    As a Non SJW Snowflake you would know.
  19. F

    Dutch Hack Russians

    That´s pathetic Moscow Barbie.
  20. F

    Stress of Trump era harms Americans' psychological health

    My mom´s not into 14 year olds.......... - - - Updated - - - Are you autistic?
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