I have a precious daughter. Is she were guilty of drug taking, buying guns illegally etc. then there will be consequences fro her action upon her. As her father I would do all I could to help here but I cannot pardon her nor pretend she did not break the law.
Given that your daughter committed an offense that would routinely result in a fine, and a sworn enemy of YOU, her father who was both willing, able and of manifest intent to ruin your life by destroying hers, having already done so to large extent, and having already cost hundreds of times more money and embarrassment than such crime normally would result in,
YES or
@Tigers! ?
I already said I will do all I could to help her.
So, if you could pardon her, you would. Okay.
Now, suppose you had said you wouldn't pardon her but the situation changed and you felt that she would be in more danger unless she was pardoned. Would you pardon her in the scenario?
He already said “anything I could”.
The outstanding question, is why then, does Tigers! decry Joe for doing zackly what he would do?
Doing anything I could does not automatically equate to giving a pardon.
Ok, let me add one thing, that might clarify why so many of us are happy that Biden pardoned Hunter. You have said that over 99% of people who committed the same crime would not be pardoned. That is true, but based on my extensive reading in various sources of news over the past year or so, 99% of people who committed the same crime would likely get a slap on the wrist, metaphorically speaking. Almost no-one would get jail time for what Hunter did. Hunter never used the gun that he owned for 11 days and he paid the taxes he owed. Plus he suffered from severe addiction. Addiction is a disease in and of itself. Hunter admitted he was guilty and apologized for his crime. A plea deal was about to be worked out last year, but at the last minute, it was stopped by the judge. Gee, did the MAGAs in power have anything to do with that! Finally, Hunter was being threatened with the possibility of a 17 year prison sentence for his crimes, while as I said earlier, the vast majority of people would get off without any prison time. In fact, I'm not sure if anyone ever got an actual prison sentence for the exact same crime that Hunter committed. So, Joe didn't lie. He considered what would happen to Hunter due to the cruelty of the MAGAs in charge and decided that the morally correct thing to do was to pardon Hunter. If Hunter had been treated like the 99% of others who committed the crime, Joe wouldn't have needed to pardon him.
I would like to see him give lots of pardons to people who have been imprisoned for using any type of illegal drug, not just THC, because I think it's cruel to lock someone up for using a potentially harmful substance. Fuck! JFK jr. bragged about using heroin in college, but never was arrested for that.
I hope Biden pardons all of the women who have been serving long jail sentences for killing physically abusive partners. Some have already served 30 or 40 years! That's cruel and unusual punishment imo. Pardon them now! Regardless if we like it or not, the president has the power to pardon convicted criminals. They have all done it. Carter pardoned his brother, and while I don't remember the others, there have been at least one or two more, besides Trump pardoning his daughter's father in law, who have pardoned family members.
Our constitution is far from perfect, but the president has been given the power to pardon criminals, like it or not.