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Joke gallery

A bear is chasing a mouse through the woods. They trip over a genie's lamp, and the genie appears and says, "You two are just critters, but you still get 3 wishes." He points to the bear and says, "You first."
The bear scratches his head and says, "Turn all the bears in the woods into shapely females!"
The genie turns to the mouse, who says, "I want a motor scooter in my size."
The bear is next. He thinks for a long time and says, "Okay, make every bear in this whole friggin country into shapely females!"
The mouse says, "For my second wish, I want a riding helmet that will fit my little head."
The bear grins and says, "And for my final wish, oh hell, just make every bear in the world into a shapely female!"
The mouse gets on his scooter, says, "Make the bear gay!" and rides away.
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