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Lauren Boebert’s American Dream

"All future date nights have been cancelled".

Of course they have.
Who in their right mind would want to date Boebert, in the foreseeable future?
Did Boebert cancel all these date nights, or did she discover that a boob job and a Congress seat won't necessarily get you what you want, in the real world?

Is this going to be another excuse for doing stupid shit like when she blamed the previous stupid shit on her breakup with her husband?
Rep. Boebert said:
It’s always hard whenever there’s gravity put on the voters. I’m here to provide levity, and lift burdens off of people. So anytime that they’re carrying mine, it’s something that you kind of feel deep inside.
Yes, I know it is crude, but I'm still laughing.

article said:
“All in all, it was mostly a lovely time and I’ve taken responsibility for my actions,” Boebert said of the controversial incident, which her Democratic challenger, Adam Frisch, slammed as “another notch in the belt of embarrassment.”

“There’s a lot of folks who are certainly understanding, and they understand it was part of my personal life, my private time,” Boebert said. “Something I really indulge in.”
As a reminder, it isn't private, when it is in public. I can only imagine the indulging you'd have done regarding AOC is she was caught doing this... or did you she say a thing about Greene and her naked pics of Hunter Biden?

Now, please go back to representing your constituents by saying stupid stuff in Congress.
What if it was Mayor Pete and his husband?
How could a married couple groping each other in public be worse than an unmarried couple?

Are we still doing the "homosexuality harms children just by being visible" thing? It's 2023, not 1953.

A couple groping each other is probably not gonna harm any mere observers of any age; But even if you don't want your kids to see that (and frankly, you probably don't want to see it yourself), the genders of the participants really doesn't change anything.
What if it was Mayor Pete and his husband?
How could a married couple groping each other in public be worse than an unmarried couple?

Are we still doing the "homosexuality harms children just by being visible" thing? It's 2023, not 1953.
Dude, we decriminalized gay sex in 2003, not 1953. And in a SCOTUS decision that was NOT unanimous. But truth be told, the outrage whether Buttigieg or Ocasio-Cortez, would have been high and mighty about how the Democrats are ruining the moral fiber of our nation. You know, a repeat from the the late 90s.
A couple groping each other is probably not gonna harm any mere observers of any age; But even if you don't want your kids to see that (and frankly, you probably don't want to see it yourself), the genders of the participants really doesn't change anything.
This is America bubb! Land of the free, home of the busybodies who believe in the freedom to tell you to live demand how you live your life!
Dude, we decriminalized gay sex in 2003, not 1953. And in a SCOTUS decision that was NOT unanimous.
And which is explicitly called out in Justice Thomas' concurrence to the ruling that reversed Roe. Unsurprisingly, since he also wrote a fervent dissent in Lawrence v Texas, nearly all of them have published opinions on the matter, and what used to just be the Scalia contingent is now in power.

Anyone who thinks the legal Right Wing has learned to live with homosexuality is a gullible fool. They signal regularly that it is still on their hit list, and people like Coney-Barrett and Roberts aren't like Trump - they don't speak without thinking, or say things they do not mean. If a right to privacy does not exist in the Constitution, then every decision made on the basis of that supposed principle is suspect, and they find no reason to bar states from openly discriminating against any party except on the basis of that legal "contrivance".

Incidents like this one may prove their hypocrisy, but it certainly does not change their minds. If Boebert thought there was any chance whatsoever of convincing Coloradans to criminalize gay sex, or even straight people groping eacxh other in theaters, she absolutely would try. They don't really have to live in the country they create, so they will do or support whatever they think is popular with their base.
Welp the race for her seat is really heating up!


Both Frisch and Boobert face tough primaries, democrats are targeting her image, polls basically say the rematch is a tie.

The survey marked the first time more than 50% of those polled in the district said they had an unfavorable view of Boebert — at 53% unfavorable

Her trashy behavior has caught up with her.
I feel compelled to clarify that the polls have minimal relevance to her vaping and the disruptive noise levels in the theater. It just so happens that she's a politician who has become quite tiresome to 53% of those polled. :cautious:
I will also chime in here to say that as despicable as I find Boebert as any sort of governmental employee, the outrage would also be different if she were he and he was with his wife/girlfriend/hooker/hookup of the night.

She's tacky as fuck and as dumb as fuck and extremely uninformed. It's shameful that she was ever elected to any office at all. But here we are. I hate that she's getting slut shamed instead of stupid shamed or ignorant shamed or hypocrite shamed but as long as it kills her chances at reelection, I'll live with it just fine.
I will also chime in here to say that as despicable as I find Boebert as any sort of governmental employee, the outrage would also be different if she were he and he was with his wife/girlfriend/hooker/hookup of the night.

She's tacky as fuck and as dumb as fuck and extremely uninformed. It's shameful that she was ever elected to any office at all. But here we are. I hate that she's getting slut shamed instead of stupid shamed or ignorant shamed or hypocrite shamed but as long as it kills her chances at reelection, I'll live with it just fine.
I don't care if she exposed a boob or grabbed a crotch in a theatre full of people. I care that her behavior as a whole including flipping people off and "I'm going to call the mayor" and vaping a lying about it - all of it is trashy.

This article sums it up nicely

In the end, the cops were called, although they turned out not to be needed. That was one drama that Boebert skipped. But as she left, she apparently asked the ushers if they knew just who she was, by which she presumably meant that they should have understood she was a person of some standing.

Do we know who you are, Rep. Boebert?

Why, yes. Yes, we do.
I will also chime in here to say that as despicable as I find Boebert as any sort of governmental employee, the outrage would also be different if she were he and he was with his wife/girlfriend/hooker/hookup of the night.

She's tacky as fuck and as dumb as fuck and extremely uninformed. It's shameful that she was ever elected to any office at all. But here we are. I hate that she's getting slut shamed instead of stupid shamed or ignorant shamed or hypocrite shamed but as long as it kills her chances at reelection, I'll live with it just fine.
Is she being slut shamed? I have no idea. I have no idea what traction this is getting. All I do know is that this Representative would have "slut shamed" Ocasio-Cortez for doing the same thing.

Of interest, President Obama became President in part for male exhibition shaming. Jack Ryan (no, the other one) had his divorce documents released which involved Jeri Ryan (his former wife) making accusations of public sexual acts. He dropped out, and his replacement was some dumbass named Allen Keyes who probably had a trillion skeletons in his closet, but he hid them better. That made the Senate race a gimme for Obama. The rest was history.

Seriously though, they are consenting adults.
Who cares?
I sort of agree.

I mean, if the same people who were offended at every chance action of the Obamas - wearing a funny colored suit, switching seats at a concert, not wearing a flag pin lapel, encouraging children to eat vegetables blah blah - are defending this? They definitely get the Vulcan eyebrow from me.

But it's because they are wrong and hypocritical, not because they are right and hypocritical. If some politician goes to a Peter Paul and Mary concert, does twenty drugs and fellates five friendly hobos in a camper van after, I really do not care as long as they manage to show up for work sober on Monday. I have a million criticisms of Lauren Boebert, but "lets loose at concerts sometimes" isn't one, and engaging with media baiting like this immobilizes the country exactly when it needs to be in motion.
Exactly. I'll blame her for the vaping and the disruptions. I will only criticize the sex play if others were aware of it and that video doesn't give me the impression that they were.
Really? You think it's okay at a family show with lots of kids in attendance?

What if it was Mayor Pete and his husband? Then?
The light level in that video is deceptive. I see no indication that the people around her were aware of the sex play, implying that it probably was dark enough not to be noticed. I'm saying it's only wrong if others could see--and it appears they can't.
What if it was Mayor Pete and his husband?
How could a married couple groping each other in public be worse than an unmarried couple?

Are we still doing the "homosexuality harms children just by being visible" thing? It's 2023, not 1953.

A couple groping each other is probably not gonna harm any mere observers of any age; But even if you don't want your kids to see that (and frankly, you probably don't want to see it yourself), the genders of the participants really doesn't change anything.
Yeah, seeing sex play like that could cause questions that make many parents squirm but it's not going to do harm.

To me, though, the important point that it doesn't appear that the people around can see. A bit of groping in the dark isn't an issue to me.
All I do know is that this Representative would have "slut shamed" Ocasio-Cortez for doing the same thing.
So you're saying that AOC did the same thing, and yet nobody's talking about that? See, we told you both sides are just as bad. The only difference is that the Democrats are abusing their power to cover up their crimes, while hypocritically attacking Republicans for the exact same things, for no reason other than that the misdeeds of the Republicans are "real events" or that they "actually happened".

If the Biden crime family can get away with their villainy just because the charges against them are "hypothetical" or "complete fabrications", then the country is in serious trouble.

Was the man a paying customer? I think he'll be asking the agency for a different girl next time.

I was serious. Few men would want a genuine relationship with such a vacuous shrew, but might have a fetish for S&M. The nature of their relationship became even clearer when I learned he was a Democrat. It is natural that a D would want an R dominatrix and vice versa; but can you imagine a Democrat coveting sweet sex with such a shameless harridan? He called the agency and said "I want to try something sour and spicy, preferably a Nazi or a Republican." They answered "We got just the girl. You'll need to donate $2000 to her PAC."
All I do know is that this Representative would have "slut shamed" Ocasio-Cortez for doing the same thing.
So you're saying that AOC did the same thing, and yet nobody's talking about that? See, we told you both sides are just as bad. The only difference is that the Democrats are abusing their power to cover up their crimes, while hypocritically attacking Republicans for the exact same things, for no reason other than that the misdeeds of the Republicans are "real events" or that they "actually happened".

If the Biden crime family can get away with their villainy just because the charges against them are "hypothetical" or "complete fabrications", then the country is in serious trouble.

As we saw from the 2020 election, Democrats have perfected how to commit crimes without leaving any evidence at all. So, yes they are committing all the same crimes as the Republicans. Probably even more!
All I do know is that this Representative would have "slut shamed" Ocasio-Cortez for doing the same thing.
So you're saying that AOC did the same thing, and yet nobody's talking about that? See, we told you both sides are just as bad. The only difference is that the Democrats are abusing their power to cover up their crimes, while hypocritically attacking Republicans for the exact same things, for no reason other than that the misdeeds of the Republicans are "real events" or that they "actually happened".

If the Biden crime family can get away with their villainy just because the charges against them are "hypothetical" or "complete fabrications", then the country is in serious trouble.

As we saw from the 2020 election, Democrats have perfected how to commit crimes without leaving any evidence at all. So, yes they are committing all the same crimes as the Republicans. Probably even more!
Hell, we commit crimes without even breaking the law. Lock us up! Lock us up!
Democrats have perfected how to commit crimes without leaving any evidence at all.
Well hell. Smart people are really scary to trumpanzees. People smart enough to steal elections without a trace? Absolutely terrifying. You can’t blame the Qtards for panicking.

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