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The Race For 2024

So, why are you having debates before conventions?
What reasons if any was given?
They weren't. I've been wondering whether the commercial slots have something to do with it. If a media company is doing the planning, the answer is more likely to be money related than politics related.
No reasons were given. Then what are the reasons for not giving any reasons?
So, why are you having debates before conventions?
What reasons if any was given?
Not that I'm aware of. Conventions these days are usually a formality. 2016 was awkward for the GOP when some delegations voted against Trump. But is pretty early for a debate. Granted, our elections are so strung out, it is becoming a caricature.
Can you think of a reason?

So, why are you having debates before conventions?
What reasons if any was given?
Conventions are fun. There is an article on the Secular Web about how much fun atheist conventions used to be. People like hotel parties a lot. That's why.

There is no downside to having a convention. Public Relations won't suffer at all. The leaders of the USA are confident in the system. Hotel parties are really important to a lot of moneyed people. Nobody who matters cares or has any other ideas.

These people still think that TV ads are an appropriate expenditure. This is how we can be sure that it genuinely does not matter who the human avatar of President of the USA is. Project 2025 is a done deal.
That's not an answer to my question.
So, why are you having debates before conventions?
What reasons if any was given?
Not that I'm aware of. Conventions these days are usually a formality. 2016 was awkward for the GOP when some delegations voted against Trump. But is pretty early for a debate. Granted, our elections are so strung out, it is becoming a caricature.
Can you think of a reason?
I can think of a couple.

  • Trump can't afford the TV time.
    • Trump is pilfering election money to his people and companies as well as lawyers. He is burning through a great deal of cash in order to win, he needs to make certain he takes the south as well as the north. Florida with the abortion referendum is going to make that state much harder to win than the last couple of elections. And Florida is a very expensive state to advertise in. Arizona is likewise. Trump needs to campaign in states that used to be red. Mostly because he is the one running (for now). Also the RNC is run by idiots at this point, who don't know the first thing when to comes to funding elections. So Trump needs as much free exposure as he can get. 2016 was somewhat of a fluke. He can win in 2024, but he has to work even harder in the north as the Dems aren't making that mistake twice.
  • Biden wants to put forward that he is competent and that the right-wing lies about him being on death's door are ridiculous.
    • Biden looks old, he looks frail. He needs to sound strong and project leadership quality.
So, why are you having debates before conventions?
What reasons if any was given?
I don't know if there are any reasons provided but:
We know who the two candidates will be. Yes, there are 3rd party candidates but their polling numbers are too low to win them a seat at the debates.

Timing/scheduling is also a big factor. Both candidates have very full schedules although Aileen Canon has freed up considerable time for Trump. Neither candidate is full of youthful vigor.
So, why are you having debates before conventions?
What reasons if any was given?
Not that I'm aware of. Conventions these days are usually a formality. 2016 was awkward for the GOP when some delegations voted against Trump. But is pretty early for a debate. Granted, our elections are so strung out, it is becoming a caricature.
Can you think of a reason?
I can think of a couple.

  • Trump can't afford the TV time.
    • Trump is pilfering election money to his people and companies as well as lawyers. He is burning through a great deal of cash in order to win, he needs to make certain he takes the south as well as the north. Florida with the abortion referendum is going to make that state much harder to win than the last couple of elections. And Florida is a very expensive state to advertise in. Arizona is likewise. Trump needs to campaign in states that used to be red. Mostly because he is the one running (for now). Also the RNC is run by idiots at this point, who don't know the first thing when to comes to funding elections. So Trump needs as much free exposure as he can get. 2016 was somewhat of a fluke. He can win in 2024, but he has to work even harder in the north as the Dems aren't making that mistake twice.
  • Biden wants to put forward that he is competent and that the right-wing lies about him being on death's door are ridiculous.
    • Biden looks old, he looks frail. He needs to sound strong and project leadership quality.

This is really a make or break for both of them in terms of that all important public perception. Some pundits have noted a tack in Trumpland's talking points as of late. They apparently realized that pushing the "Biden is an old man who wanders off and poops his pants" line could blow up in their faces if the same guy who gave the State of the Union address shows up on Thursday night. Now Trump himself is talking up Biden's debate skills, saying he's not going to underestimate him, and his flunkies are pushing the line that if Dark Brandon is on that dais, then he must be on drugs!

But it may be too late for that. Now, if Biden has a "senior moment" on stage, or isn't otherwise sharp, that's bad for the President. Then again, the debate is being held at 9pm, which could be a liability for a guy who wakes up at 3am to rage-post on his social media site.

And yes, Trump needs the TV coverage. He gets plenty just because he's "newsworthy," but this will be 90 minutes of mostly uninterrupted time in front of the cameras, something his campaign couldn't afford to buy. Finally, while it is early in the Presidential race for a debate in "normal" times, this is a fairly unique situation. The current President debating the former President, the oldest match-up in US history, and the first time a convicted felon will be taking part in a Presidential debate.
So, why are you having debates before conventions?
What reasons if any was given?
I don't know if there are any reasons provided but:
We know who the two candidates will be. Yes, there are 3rd party candidates but their polling numbers are too low to win them a seat at the debates.

Timing/scheduling is also a big factor. Both candidates have very full schedules although Aileen Canon has freed up considerable time for Trump. Neither candidate is full of youthful vigor.
True. If they try put it off til October, both of them will be down with pneumonia.
Trump can't afford the TV time
I don't see that as a reason.
Well it is, I explained why.
Biden wants to put forward that he is competent and that the right-wing lies about him being on death's door are ridiculous.
There are other ways to do it.
Not better ones though, other than the SOTU. The President needs people to tune in. And often these days, they won't unless it is something large.
So why were debates moved before conventions?
As I said, it is effectively an infomercial for their campaigns. Trump gets the bonus of it is free of charge. I think Biden has the most to lose, Trump could start flinging his crap around and his supporters would still support him and the remainder of the right-wing would vote for him for judges. If Biden did that, indeed, he likely be forced to resign and Harris probably heading the ticket with someone new as the VP.
it's not a stretch to believe that violence would be inevitable.

I find it a stretch to think thousands of people will show up at the Capitol to prevent certification of the election if Biden wins. It didn’t work out well for the participants in the last exercise in stupidity.
Rather, I expect a rash of violent “lone wolf” type incidents against various persons and things. Expect some PROPERTY DAMAGE.
I don't recall anything anywhere near the level of chaos and destruction as BLM.
Sounds like a medical issue.
Many of us witnessed a live event where there were 140 law enforcement officers injured or killed, and an executive officer of the United States forced to flee for his life from the mob’s makeshift gallows.

Was there a BLM event to rival that? Please do share; nobody else seems aware of it. Probably because left wing extreme media won’t cover it?
Maybe it's because Trump may be either in prison and/or stuck in courtrooms if they wait too long? So, now may be the only chance to attend these debates in person?
Maybe it's because Trump may be either in prison and/or stuck in courtrooms if they wait too long? So, now may be the only chance to attend these debates in person?
Meh. It's not too late to Trump to discover the dems cheated in the setup and announce to The Faithful that their clever plot was uncovered and THEY WILL PAY, but "I will not participate in this Democrat scam!"
I am a bit surprised that he hasn't called it off already, but I still estimate the odds of him showing at around 40%
Well it is, I explained why.
You did not.
Why are you asking questions if you already think you know the answers?
As I said, it is effectively an infomercial for their campaigns. Trump gets the bonus of it is free of charge
Trump does not need publicity.
Publicity no, but he needs to turn enough suburban women towards him, and his rallies aren't aimed at him.
Anyway, who exactly set the dates of the debates?
The Illuminati, I would assume.
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