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The Race For 2024

To continue on for Emily:


The Supreme Court this week severely undermined the principle that no one is above the law – a bedrock of our nation’s system of government – with its historic ruling declaring that presidents have absolute immunity for their official acts. In her fierce dissent, Justice Sotomayor accused the conservative majority of making the president a "king above the law." Eminent legal scholar and one of the most cited by SCOTUS, Yale’s Akhil Reed Amar, joins Ali Velshi to discuss the far-reaching implications of this seismic decision. Not mincing words, he calls it “one of the worst decisions in all of constitutional history.” It’s “not just in violation of the Constitution,” says Amar, “but also incoherent.”
Are you caught up now, Emily?
If Biden has’one foot in the glue factory,’ how should we characterize the other candidate, three years younger, who, for years has been rumored to suffer fecal incontinence, and who has been rumored, for years, to take copious amounts ts of adderall and other prescription medications for which he may/may not have a prescription, who was a frequent flyer with Jeffrey Epstein, who has been adjudicated as rapist, who has been credibly accused of sexual assault, including that of a minor child ( I don’t remember if she was 12 or 13), who has stolen government documents to and who is strongly suspected of sharing those documents with hostile foreign governments ts, who is known to have bragged and shown such documents casually to guests at Mar A Largo and whose son is frequently videotaped while apparently try high on cocaine and/or other assorted drugs and who Has been credibly suspected of numerous accounts of fraud, aside from the 34 felony counts he was found guilty of committing?

Trump often appears to be suffering from dementia.

Why is his candidacy not called more into question?

It has been called into question for years and years and years and years. What we find is that the MAGAtards DON’T CARE, and probably even support him more because he is evil and incompetent. The focus on Biden is because of the desperate desire of non-MAGAts to keep this evil, corrupt and incompetent psychopathic swindler from returning to the White House to finish the job he started of gutting what remains of our democracy. People are desperately concerned that Biden is not up to the task of winning this election, and I think they are right to be concerned.
I do understand the concern given Biden’s age. In fact, that was for me a huge concern four years ago. That and the fact that he was more middle of the road than I preferred. BUT I do think his old school approach to politics and long relationships and extensive experience are exactly what beat Trump. My personal guess is that he might have stepped aside if Trump had not gotten the GOP nomination. My husband disagrees with me and thinks Biden has wanted to be POTUS for a long time and it's hard to give up that job.

Whichever one of us is right about that, I think most people feel that he has exceeded all expectations and pushed through more progressive legislation that I would have guessed possible.

In any case, the time to question his candidacy was during the primaries. Trump is such an existential threat to our democracy that we cannot afford to fuck around and wring our hands crying that Biden is tooo. ooolllldddd. I agree. He’s old. But he has a great team that is extremely competent to give him back up as needed. I think we are in much better shape with Biden than with Trump and those are our choices. Last minute hand wringing only helps Trump.

Part of me wonders if some of this newfound concern is really that his VP is Kamala Harris, a black woman and it is possible that she could end up taking over if his health fails. Emphasis on the woman part of the equation.

To which I answer: same issue with Trump quite possibly being unable to finish his term. How do you like any of the candidates for his VP? Definitely vomit inducing choices.

We may wish we had younger candidates to choose from but we don’t. And it’s our fault.

Let’s not compound the error by failing to elect the far superior candidate.

I’m still ridin’ with Biden. All the way baby.
Living under a Westminster parliamentary system allows me to compare how you yanks do certain things as opposed to how we would do the same.
I have underlined a section that has been mentioned many times here on these fora and on the reports we get on our tellies. What to do with Kamala Harris?
In a Westminster system being VP (we would call them the deputy) is automatically the 1st drop (cricketing term meaning next batter in). There would no dispute that they, regardless of gender, colour etc., would succeed. There would be no discussion about other possible picks. After all that is why they were elected (or perhaps selected?) to be where they are.
Yet in your system the VP seems to be mere functionary. They fill a hole that seems to have unknown size and shape. It is most puzzling.

The Westminster system is far more ruthless that yours. Biden would be gone by now as leader in the UK, Australia, NZ etc. The cabinet, caucus would meet with one item on the agenda - Biden stay or go. Show of hands - result known. Biden leaves room as rooster (still president) or feather duster (looking for a new job or more likely off into retirement).
No long drawn out Hamletesque ending.
If Biden has’one foot in the glue factory,’ how should we characterize the other candidate, three years younger, who, for years has been rumored to suffer fecal incontinence, and who has been rumored, for years, to take copious amounts ts of adderall and other prescription medications for which he may/may not have a prescription, who was a frequent flyer with Jeffrey Epstein, who has been adjudicated as rapist, who has been credibly accused of sexual assault, including that of a minor child ( I don’t remember if she was 12 or 13), who has stolen government documents to and who is strongly suspected of sharing those documents with hostile foreign governments ts, who is known to have bragged and shown such documents casually to guests at Mar A Largo and whose son is frequently videotaped while apparently try high on cocaine and/or other assorted drugs and who Has been credibly suspected of numerous accounts of fraud, aside from the 34 felony counts he was found guilty of committing?

Trump often appears to be suffering from dementia.

Why is his candidacy not called more into question?

It has been called into question for years and years and years and years. What we find is that the MAGAtards DON’T CARE, and probably even support him more because he is evil and incompetent. The focus on Biden is because of the desperate desire of non-MAGAts to keep this evil, corrupt and incompetent psychopathic swindler from returning to the White House to finish the job he started of gutting what remains of our democracy. People are desperately concerned that Biden is not up to the task of winning this election, and I think they are right to be concerned.
I do understand the concern given Biden’s age. In fact, that was for me a huge concern four years ago. That and the fact that he was more middle of the road than I preferred. BUT I do think his old school approach to politics and long relationships and extensive experience are exactly what beat Trump. My personal guess is that he might have stepped aside if Trump had not gotten the GOP nomination. My husband disagrees with me and thinks Biden has wanted to be POTUS for a long time and it's hard to give up that job.

Whichever one of us is right about that, I think most people feel that he has exceeded all expectations and pushed through more progressive legislation that I would have guessed possible.

In any case, the time to question his candidacy was during the primaries. Trump is such an existential threat to our democracy that we cannot afford to fuck around and wring our hands crying that Biden is tooo. ooolllldddd. I agree. He’s old. But he has a great team that is extremely competent to give him back up as needed. I think we are in much better shape with Biden than with Trump and those are our choices. Last minute hand wringing only helps Trump.

Part of me wonders if some of this newfound concern is really that his VP is Kamala Harris, a black woman and it is possible that she could end up taking over if his health fails. Emphasis on the woman part of the equation.

To which I answer: same issue with Trump quite possibly being unable to finish his term. How do you like any of the candidates for his VP? Definitely vomit inducing choices.

We may wish we had younger candidates to choose from but we don’t. And it’s our fault.

Let’s not compound the error by failing to elect the far superior candidate.

I’m still ridin’ with Biden. All the way baby.
Living under a Westminster parliamentary system allows me to compare how you yanks do certain things as opposed to how we would do the same.
I have underlined a section that has been mentioned many times here on these fora and on the reports we get on our tellies. What to do with Kamala Harris?
In a Westminster system being VP (we would call them the deputy) is automatically the 1st drop (cricketing term meaning next batter in). There would no dispute that they, regardless of gender, colour etc., would succeed. There would be no discussion about other possible picks. After all that is why they were elected (or perhaps selected?) to be where they are.
Yet in your system the VP seems to be mere functionary. They fill a hole that seems to have unknown size and shape. It is most puzzling.

The Westminster system is far more ruthless that yours. Biden would be gone by now as leader in the UK, Australia, NZ etc. The cabinet, caucus would meet with one item on the agenda - Biden stay or go. Show of hands - result known. Biden leaves room as rooster (still president) or feather duster (looking for a new job or more likely off into retirement).
No long drawn out Hamletesque ending.
Kamala Harris would take over as POTUS should Biden be unable to complete his term. Whether she would be the first choice to run INSTEAD of Biden if he stepped aside is a different question. She’s a woman and for too many, that would be a detriment. She’s not white: for some ( over lapping groups but not 100% overlap) this would be a fatal flaw. I know some who would not want to vote for her because she was a prosecutor, or because she was too tough or too lenient. Others will point out that she has won only a single term as a Senator and has never been Congressperson or Governor.
The are many newspaper rags. One of them is the New York Post, owned, unsurprisingly, by Rupert Murdoch. Its news coverage is infused with a MAGA slant, and all of its op-ed columnists are MAGAtards. As I say, the media industry is far from a monolith.
Sure; But the problem is that the respectable/rag divide closely matches the unpopular/popular divide.

Far more people watch Fox News, than read the New York Times.
Good writeup, straight from the horses mouth, thanks. I think I recall the guy you are referring to in the third paragraph. It was from the NYT, and his name was Jason I think. Also, African American IIRC. That was a huge story at the time.

Yes. Jayson.
Looked him up on Wikipedia. Damn... I had forgotton how prolific he was with his fakery. Apparently he was bipolar, but looks like he has started a new career as a life coach.
If Biden has’one foot in the glue factory,’ how should we characterize the other candidate, three years younger, who, for years has been rumored to suffer fecal incontinence, and who has been rumored, for years, to take copious amounts ts of adderall and other prescription medications for which he may/may not have a prescription, who was a frequent flyer with Jeffrey Epstein, who has been adjudicated as rapist, who has been credibly accused of sexual assault, including that of a minor child ( I don’t remember if she was 12 or 13), who has stolen government documents to and who is strongly suspected of sharing those documents with hostile foreign governments ts, who is known to have bragged and shown such documents casually to guests at Mar A Largo and whose son is frequently videotaped while apparently try high on cocaine and/or other assorted drugs and who Has been credibly suspected of numerous accounts of fraud, aside from the 34 felony counts he was found guilty of committing?

Trump often appears to be suffering from dementia.

Why is his candidacy not called more into question?

It has been called into question for years and years and years and years. What we find is that the MAGAtards DON’T CARE, and probably even support him more because he is evil and incompetent. The focus on Biden is because of the desperate desire of non-MAGAts to keep this evil, corrupt and incompetent psychopathic swindler from returning to the White House to finish the job he started of gutting what remains of our democracy. People are desperately concerned that Biden is not up to the task of winning this election, and I think they are right to be concerned.
I do understand the concern given Biden’s age. In fact, that was for me a huge concern four years ago. That and the fact that he was more middle of the road than I preferred. BUT I do think his old school approach to politics and long relationships and extensive experience are exactly what beat Trump. My personal guess is that he might have stepped aside if Trump had not gotten the GOP nomination. My husband disagrees with me and thinks Biden has wanted to be POTUS for a long time and it's hard to give up that job.

Whichever one of us is right about that, I think most people feel that he has exceeded all expectations and pushed through more progressive legislation that I would have guessed possible.

In any case, the time to question his candidacy was during the primaries. Trump is such an existential threat to our democracy that we cannot afford to fuck around and wring our hands crying that Biden is tooo. ooolllldddd. I agree. He’s old. But he has a great team that is extremely competent to give him back up as needed. I think we are in much better shape with Biden than with Trump and those are our choices. Last minute hand wringing only helps Trump.

Part of me wonders if some of this newfound concern is really that his VP is Kamala Harris, a black woman and it is possible that she could end up taking over if his health fails. Emphasis on the woman part of the equation.

To which I answer: same issue with Trump quite possibly being unable to finish his term. How do you like any of the candidates for his VP? Definitely vomit inducing choices.

We may wish we had younger candidates to choose from but we don’t. And it’s our fault.

Let’s not compound the error by failing to elect the far superior candidate.

I’m still ridin’ with Biden. All the way baby.
Living under a Westminster parliamentary system allows me to compare how you yanks do certain things as opposed to how we would do the same.
I have underlined a section that has been mentioned many times here on these fora and on the reports we get on our tellies. What to do with Kamala Harris?
In a Westminster system being VP (we would call them the deputy) is automatically the 1st drop (cricketing term meaning next batter in). There would no dispute that they, regardless of gender, colour etc., would succeed. There would be no discussion about other possible picks. After all that is why they were elected (or perhaps selected?) to be where they are.
Yet in your system the VP seems to be mere functionary. They fill a hole that seems to have unknown size and shape. It is most puzzling.

The Westminster system is far more ruthless that yours. Biden would be gone by now as leader in the UK, Australia, NZ etc. The cabinet, caucus would meet with one item on the agenda - Biden stay or go. Show of hands - result known. Biden leaves room as rooster (still president) or feather duster (looking for a new job or more likely off into retirement).
No long drawn out Hamletesque ending.
Kamala Harris would take over as POTUS should Biden be unable to complete his term. Whether she would be the first choice to run INSTEAD of Biden if he stepped aside is a different question. She’s a woman and for too many, that would be a detriment. She’s not white: for some ( over lapping groups but not 100% overlap) this would be a fatal flaw. I know some who would not want to vote for her because she was a prosecutor, or because she was too tough or too lenient. Others will point out that she has won only a single term as a Senator and has never been Congressperson or Governor.
Man, she has a lot in common with President Obama. Except that as a prosecutor, she does have executive branch experience. I have no idea how much resistance there is to Harris being President. Let's be clear, you don't get the VP role (except Quayle and Pence) unless you've been approved by a lot of people that make these high level decisions. I have absolutely no doubt she could be a viable President. And if Biden were to step aside, she is, to me, the only viable option. I think there is much more risk in choosing a Newsom over a Harris.
The other candidate wants to be a dictator and the Supreme Court just gave him their blessing.
Why is it so hard to avoid ridiculously disingenuous hyperbolization? Can you not defend your position and your candidate without such rhetoric?
He just did.
Another example of EL rudely questioning someone's statement without knowing what is being talked about and making a fool of herself in the process.
He is a convicted felon, like Trump is he not?
False equivalence. Hunter was convicted of screwing up (lying on) a form. Trump is a career criminal whose legacy of fraud, deceit and mob tactics goes back half a century and beyond.
Yeah they’re both American males, they both have felony convictions, and that’s about where it ends. Trump is a malevolent, malignant, misogynistic racist with a room temperature IQ.
He is a convicted felon, like Trump is he not?
False equivalence. Hunter was convicted of screwing up (lying on) a form. Trump is a career criminal whose legacy of fraud, deceit and mob tactics goes back half a century and beyond.
Yeah they’re both American males, they both have felony convictions, and that’s about where it ends. Trump is a malevolent, malignant, misogynistic racist with a room temperature IQ.
And, Hunter Biden is not attempting to take over the US gov’t.
If Biden has’one foot in the glue factory,’ how should we characterize the other candidate, three years younger, who, for years has been rumored to suffer fecal incontinence, and who has been rumored, for years, to take copious amounts ts of adderall and other prescription medications for which he may/may not have a prescription, who was a frequent flyer with Jeffrey Epstein, who has been adjudicated as rapist, who has been credibly accused of sexual assault, including that of a minor child ( I don’t remember if she was 12 or 13), who has stolen government documents to and who is strongly suspected of sharing those documents with hostile foreign governments ts, who is known to have bragged and shown such documents casually to guests at Mar A Largo and whose son is frequently videotaped while apparently try high on cocaine and/or other assorted drugs and who Has been credibly suspected of numerous accounts of fraud, aside from the 34 felony counts he was found guilty of committing?

Trump often appears to be suffering from dementia.

Why is his candidacy not called more into question?

It has been called into question for years and years and years and years. What we find is that the MAGAtards DON’T CARE, and probably even support him more because he is evil and incompetent. The focus on Biden is because of the desperate desire of non-MAGAts to keep this evil, corrupt and incompetent psychopathic swindler from returning to the White House to finish the job he started of gutting what remains of our democracy. People are desperately concerned that Biden is not up to the task of winning this election, and I think they are right to be concerned.
I do understand the concern given Biden’s age. In fact, that was for me a huge concern four years ago. That and the fact that he was more middle of the road than I preferred. BUT I do think his old school approach to politics and long relationships and extensive experience are exactly what beat Trump. My personal guess is that he might have stepped aside if Trump had not gotten the GOP nomination. My husband disagrees with me and thinks Biden has wanted to be POTUS for a long time and it's hard to give up that job.

Whichever one of us is right about that, I think most people feel that he has exceeded all expectations and pushed through more progressive legislation that I would have guessed possible.

In any case, the time to question his candidacy was during the primaries. Trump is such an existential threat to our democracy that we cannot afford to fuck around and wring our hands crying that Biden is tooo. ooolllldddd. I agree. He’s old. But he has a great team that is extremely competent to give him back up as needed. I think we are in much better shape with Biden than with Trump and those are our choices. Last minute hand wringing only helps Trump.

Part of me wonders if some of this newfound concern is really that his VP is Kamala Harris, a black woman and it is possible that she could end up taking over if his health fails. Emphasis on the woman part of the equation.

To which I answer: same issue with Trump quite possibly being unable to finish his term. How do you like any of the candidates for his VP? Definitely vomit inducing choices.

We may wish we had younger candidates to choose from but we don’t. And it’s our fault.

Let’s not compound the error by failing to elect the far superior candidate.

I’m still ridin’ with Biden. All the way baby.
Living under a Westminster parliamentary system allows me to compare how you yanks do certain things as opposed to how we would do the same.
I have underlined a section that has been mentioned many times here on these fora and on the reports we get on our tellies. What to do with Kamala Harris?
In a Westminster system being VP (we would call them the deputy) is automatically the 1st drop (cricketing term meaning next batter in). There would no dispute that they, regardless of gender, colour etc., would succeed. There would be no discussion about other possible picks. After all that is why they were elected (or perhaps selected?) to be where they are.
Yet in your system the VP seems to be mere functionary. They fill a hole that seems to have unknown size and shape. It is most puzzling.

The Westminster system is far more ruthless that yours. Biden would be gone by now as leader in the UK, Australia, NZ etc. The cabinet, caucus would meet with one item on the agenda - Biden stay or go. Show of hands - result known. Biden leaves room as rooster (still president) or feather duster (looking for a new job or more likely off into retirement).
No long drawn out Hamletesque ending.
Kamala Harris would take over as POTUS should Biden be unable to complete his term. Whether she would be the first choice to run INSTEAD of Biden if he stepped aside is a different question. She’s a woman and for too many, that would be a detriment. She’s not white: for some ( over lapping groups but not 100% overlap) this would be a fatal flaw. I know some who would not want to vote for her because she was a prosecutor, or because she was too tough or too lenient. Others will point out that she has won only a single term as a Senator and has never been Congressperson or Governor.
Man, she has a lot in common with President Obama. Except that as a prosecutor, she does have executive branch experience. I have no idea how much resistance there is to Harris being President. Let's be clear, you don't get the VP role (except Quayle and Pence) unless you've been approved by a lot of people that make these high level decisions. I have absolutely no doubt she could be a viable President. And if Biden were to step aside, she is, to me, the only viable option. I think there is much more risk in choosing a Newsom over a Harris.
It really shouldn't be a question of anyone NOT Trump winning but we know it's not a sure thing. Early on in the primary debates, Harris was one of my top candidates. But I am genuinely concerned she might lose to Trump, largely because of her sex and her color but not entirely that.

I think that Biden is our best chance to win. And he has a great back up if he needs to step down. Is this the ideal situation? No, of course not. But we did not do our jobs of elevating younger people and giving them prominence to be able to take this election if Biden decided not to run again.

I really do wonder what exactly and who is behind this move to force Biden to quit. Unless he is really unwell and it's not being seen on camera (debate exception). But I'm very curious. EVERYONE knows the right time to put forth another candidate was during the primaries,

I can't think of anyone who has more recklessly destroyed his own life, and now he's influencing his father on the future of this country? Maybe Joe really does believe that Hunter is "the smartest guy I know." :eek:
I can only think of a few people who have fucked up their lives worse than Hunter has fucked up his life.
But I'd VASTLY prefer Hunter Biden for President (or you or me for President), before the Republican wannabe dictator.
The unbridled greed, mendacity, cruelty and lust for power of one candidate would totally make me hope that their sheer incompetence would prevent the actual worst from happening. (As it narrowly did last time that mistake was made. Only a million "excess" American deaths seems like a small price to pay in retrospect.).
I admit to being puzzled by your comment that you would vastly prefer Hunter Biden as president (presumably over Trump). He is a convicted felon, like Trump is he not?
You complain incessantly that Trump is a convicted felon yet say that you would vastly prefer to have a different convicted felon as president.
And Hunter B by his actions has shown that he has unbridled greed, mendacity, cruelty and lust for power. That should disqualify him from consideration.
Pretty certain that everyone agrees that Hunter Biden should not be president. By happy coincidence, Hunter Biden is NOT running for POTUS. I am not certain where this idea that he is an important adviser to his father comes from but whosever ass it is really needs to see a doctor.

I can't think of anyone who has more recklessly destroyed his own life, and now he's influencing his father on the future of this country? Maybe Joe really does believe that Hunter is "the smartest guy I know." :eek:
I can only think of a few people who have fucked up their lives worse than Hunter has fucked up his life.
But I'd VASTLY prefer Hunter Biden for President (or you or me for President), before the Republican wannabe dictator.
The unbridled greed, mendacity, cruelty and lust for power of one candidate would totally make me hope that their sheer incompetence would prevent the actual worst from happening. (As it narrowly did last time that mistake was made. Only a million "excess" American deaths seems like a small price to pay in retrospect.).
I admit to being puzzled by your comment that you would vastly prefer Hunter Biden as president (presumably over Trump). He is a convicted felon, like Trump is he not?
You complain incessantly that Trump is a convicted felon yet say that you would vastly prefer to have a different convicted felon as president.
And Hunter B by his actions has shown that he has unbridled greed, mendacity, cruelty and lust for power. That should disqualify him from consideration.
Pretty certain that everyone agrees that Hunter Biden should not be president. By happy coincidence, Hunter Biden is NOT running for POTUS. I am not certain where this idea that he is an important adviser to his father comes from but whosever ass it is really needs to see a doctor.
Try to keep up... From Slate:

Keep Hunter Biden As Far From the White House As Possible

Indeed, in the many reports about the president’s postdebate crisis-management tactics, Hunter has been a recurring character. The New York Times revealed that Hunter was among the “strongest voices imploring” his father not to drop out of the race when the Bidens gathered at Camp David, and NBC confirmed that Hunter has been joining the president at a slew of meetings with top White House aides—Jared Kushner–style—during the ongoing fallout. (One staffer summed up his reaction to the intrusion as, plainly and simply: “What the hell is happening?”)

It gets worse. Yesterday Axios went so far as to describe Hunter as the de facto “gatekeeper” to Biden, a characterization that provides little faith that the sitting president isn’t growing increasingly cloistered and hostile to criticism. (Naturally, Biden hasn’t even cracked the door open to the possibility of a replacement candidate in his meetings with Democratic leadership.) We are now deep into unknown territory, and as the Democrats reckon with the stakes of this election and the terrible hand they’re holding, there is one point that nobody should compromise on: Please get Hunter Biden as far away from the White House as fucking possible. The future of the country should not hang on what’s best for him.

I'll pass the word on to Slate and let them know about scheduling a doctor's appointment for their staff...
It really shouldn't be a question of anyone NOT Trump winning but we know it's not a sure thing. Early on in the primary debates, Harris was one of my top candidates. But I am genuinely concerned she might lose to Trump, largely because of her sex and her color but not entirely that.
I wouldn't be worried about that at all. Sure, some people won't vote for her because of that, but I'm thinking turnouts will offset it.
I think that Biden is our best chance to win. And he has a great back up if he needs to step down. Is this the ideal situation? No, of course not. But we did not do our jobs of elevating younger people and giving them prominence to be able to take this election if Biden decided not to run again.
There was an opportunity for Biden to step aside gracefully. There is no way we can force this. But the time to have him step aside is getting close to having passed, both legally and strategically. I'll say Harris will likely need to pushed to do a lot more campaigning.
I really do wonder what exactly and who is behind this move to force Biden to quit. Unless he is really unwell and it's not being seen on camera (debate exception). But I'm very curious. EVERYONE knows the right time to put forth another candidate was during the primaries.
There is a truth out there, amongst a lot of lies. Biden really is presenting the situation that he is old... and potentially too old for the job. A ton of senility crap flying out there, but it is near impossible to fake it for over an hour in a speech. But, as with most things in politics, truth often isn't as important as image. Biden might be up for the job, but he fucked up royally at the debate.

I can't think of anyone who has more recklessly destroyed his own life, and now he's influencing his father on the future of this country? Maybe Joe really does believe that Hunter is "the smartest guy I know." :eek:
I can only think of a few people who have fucked up their lives worse than Hunter has fucked up his life.
But I'd VASTLY prefer Hunter Biden for President (or you or me for President), before the Republican wannabe dictator.
The unbridled greed, mendacity, cruelty and lust for power of one candidate would totally make me hope that their sheer incompetence would prevent the actual worst from happening. (As it narrowly did last time that mistake was made. Only a million "excess" American deaths seems like a small price to pay in retrospect.).
I admit to being puzzled by your comment that you would vastly prefer Hunter Biden as president (presumably over Trump). He is a convicted felon, like Trump is he not?
You complain incessantly that Trump is a convicted felon yet say that you would vastly prefer to have a different convicted felon as president.
And Hunter B by his actions has shown that he has unbridled greed, mendacity, cruelty and lust for power. That should disqualify him from consideration.
Pretty certain that everyone agrees that Hunter Biden should not be president. By happy coincidence, Hunter Biden is NOT running for POTUS. I am not certain where this idea that he is an important adviser to his father comes from but whosever ass it is really needs to see a doctor.
Try to keep up... From Slate:

Keep Hunter Biden As Far From the White House As Possible

Indeed, in the many reports about the president’s postdebate crisis-management tactics, Hunter has been a recurring character. The New York Times revealed that Hunter was among the “strongest voices imploring” his father not to drop out of the race when the Bidens gathered at Camp David, and NBC confirmed that Hunter has been joining the president at a slew of meetings with top White House aides—Jared Kushner–style—during the ongoing fallout. (One staffer summed up his reaction to the intrusion as, plainly and simply: “What the hell is happening?”)

It gets worse. Yesterday Axios went so far as to describe Hunter as the de facto “gatekeeper” to Biden, a characterization that provides little faith that the sitting president isn’t growing increasingly cloistered and hostile to criticism. (Naturally, Biden hasn’t even cracked the door open to the possibility of a replacement candidate in his meetings with Democratic leadership.) We are now deep into unknown territory, and as the Democrats reckon with the stakes of this election and the terrible hand they’re holding, there is one point that nobody should compromise on: Please get Hunter Biden as far away from the White House as fucking possible. The future of the country should not hang on what’s best for him.

I'll pass the word on to Slate and let them know about scheduling a doctor's appointment for their staff...
Where are the calls for the multiple felon with dreams of dictatorship to step down?

I can't think of anyone who has more recklessly destroyed his own life, and now he's influencing his father on the future of this country? Maybe Joe really does believe that Hunter is "the smartest guy I know." :eek:
I can only think of a few people who have fucked up their lives worse than Hunter has fucked up his life.
But I'd VASTLY prefer Hunter Biden for President (or you or me for President), before the Republican wannabe dictator.
The unbridled greed, mendacity, cruelty and lust for power of one candidate would totally make me hope that their sheer incompetence would prevent the actual worst from happening. (As it narrowly did last time that mistake was made. Only a million "excess" American deaths seems like a small price to pay in retrospect.).
I admit to being puzzled by your comment that you would vastly prefer Hunter Biden as president (presumably over Trump). He is a convicted felon, like Trump is he not?
You complain incessantly that Trump is a convicted felon yet say that you would vastly prefer to have a different convicted felon as president.
And Hunter B by his actions has shown that he has unbridled greed, mendacity, cruelty and lust for power. That should disqualify him from consideration.
Pretty certain that everyone agrees that Hunter Biden should not be president. By happy coincidence, Hunter Biden is NOT running for POTUS. I am not certain where this idea that he is an important adviser to his father comes from but whosever ass it is really needs to see a doctor.
Try to keep up... From Slate:

Keep Hunter Biden As Far From the White House As Possible

Indeed, in the many reports about the president’s postdebate crisis-management tactics, Hunter has been a recurring character. The New York Times revealed that Hunter was among the “strongest voices imploring” his father not to drop out of the race when the Bidens gathered at Camp David, and NBC confirmed that Hunter has been joining the president at a slew of meetings with top White House aides—Jared Kushner–style—during the ongoing fallout. (One staffer summed up his reaction to the intrusion as, plainly and simply: “What the hell is happening?”)

It gets worse. Yesterday Axios went so far as to describe Hunter as the de facto “gatekeeper” to Biden, a characterization that provides little faith that the sitting president isn’t growing increasingly cloistered and hostile to criticism. (Naturally, Biden hasn’t even cracked the door open to the possibility of a replacement candidate in his meetings with Democratic leadership.) We are now deep into unknown territory, and as the Democrats reckon with the stakes of this election and the terrible hand they’re holding, there is one point that nobody should compromise on: Please get Hunter Biden as far away from the White House as fucking possible. The future of the country should not hang on what’s best for him.

I'll pass the word on to Slate and let them know about scheduling a doctor's appointment for their staff...
Where are the calls for the multiple felon with dreams of dictatorship to step down?
There aren't any that I've seen.
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