• Welcome to the new Internet Infidels Discussion Board, formerly Talk Freethought.

Things that make you laugh...

All children are 3d-printed. It just takes 9 months to get a viable, imperfect copy, and then you have to train the neural network yourself which could take years.
The joys of working for a US based multinational corporation. Just got a message from a colleague in our American office. He said "I am not sure whether country code 'AT' is Austria or Australia, so I have sent this case to you; Please redirect it to the European office if it isn't for an Australian customer".

The case header, (where the country code is found) begins like this:

Subject: xxxxxxxxx
Product: xxxxxxxxx
Country: AT
Region: EP
Skill: xxxxxxxxx
Account Name: Magistrat der stadt Wien
Account Number: xxxxxxxxx
Account Priority: xxxxxxxxx
Contact: xxxxxxxxx
Severity: xxxxxxxxx
Language: German
Will work in English: Yes
Address: Magistratsabtellung 14, Wien, Austria

I am particularly impressed, given that the actual country is spelled out in longhand as a part of the 'Address' field. :)

I can assure him that the administration of the capital city of Austria is not outsourced to an Australian office :D
The joys of working for a US based multinational corporation. Just got a message from a colleague in our American office. He said "I am not sure whether country code 'AT' is Austria or Australia, so I have sent this case to you; Please redirect it to the European office if it isn't for an Australian customer".

The case header, (where the country code is found) begins like this:

Subject: xxxxxxxxx
Product: xxxxxxxxx
Country: AT
Region: EP
Skill: xxxxxxxxx
Account Name: Magistrat der stadt Wien
Account Number: xxxxxxxxx
Account Priority: xxxxxxxxx
Contact: xxxxxxxxx
Severity: xxxxxxxxx
Language: German
Will work in English: Yes
Address: Magistratsabtellung 14, Wien, Austria

I am particularly impressed, given that the actual country is spelled out in longhand as a part of the 'Address' field. :)

I can assure him that the administration of the capital city of Austria is not outsourced to an Australian office :D

I say taunt him in Aussie slang.
The joys of working for a US based multinational corporation. Just got a message from a colleague in our American office. He said "I am not sure whether country code 'AT' is Austria or Australia, so I have sent this case to you; Please redirect it to the European office if it isn't for an Australian customer".

The case header, (where the country code is found) begins like this:

Subject: xxxxxxxxx
Product: xxxxxxxxx
Country: AT
Region: EP
Skill: xxxxxxxxx
Account Name: Magistrat der stadt Wien
Account Number: xxxxxxxxx
Account Priority: xxxxxxxxx
Contact: xxxxxxxxx
Severity: xxxxxxxxx
Language: German
Will work in English: Yes
Address: Magistratsabtellung 14, Wien, Austria

I am particularly impressed, given that the actual country is spelled out in longhand as a part of the 'Address' field. :)

I can assure him that the administration of the capital city of Austria is not outsourced to an Australian office :D

I say taunt him in Aussie slang.

I would call him a drongo, but I doubt the galah would understand.

It is probably an urban legend, but I heard that the tourist places in Austria stock kangaroo and koala toys and souvenirs, because they got fed up with explaining to American tourists why they didn't stock them.
I appear to have gone viral - my comment on the NASA Facebook page about the launch of the Parker Solar Probe has uncovered a couple of thousand people in that presumably minuscule demographic of 'People interested in the Parker Solar Probe who had not yet heard this joke':

What the fuck.....?

Okay, so i have purchased four vehicles innthe last forty years.
The first was for $450. All the rest have been bought with a preapproved car loan.
It's been fairly straightforward each time. I get a loan, a blank draught, fill in the asking price...

Today, the Honda dealer i never used before said they don't accept the draught. I have to get the bank to send me an actual check... .?

What? Why?

Well, that's not really money. Something could happen...

It's an agreement to give you money, just like any check.

Well, ee don't accept them.

Okat, maybe Connecticut is different? I ask that.

No, no, most dealers around here won't accept them

What do you mean by around here?

Oh, no dealer in the Northeast will.

Well, that's bullshit, because LAST WEEK a Massachusetts Honda dealer accepted a similar draft...

Oh, well i can't speak for them...

What the fuck.....?

Okay, so i have purchased four vehicles innthe last forty years.
The first was for $450. All the rest have been bought with a preapproved car loan.
It's been fairly straightforward each time. I get a loan, a blank draught, fill in the asking price...

Today, the Honda dealer i never used before said they don't accept the draught. I have to get the bank to send me an actual check... .?

What? Why?

Well, that's not really money. Something could happen...

It's an agreement to give you money, just like any check.

Well, ee don't accept them.

Okat, maybe Connecticut is different? I ask that.

No, no, most dealers around here won't accept them

What do you mean by around here?

Oh, no dealer in the Northeast will.

Well, that's bullshit, because LAST WEEK a Massachusetts Honda dealer accepted a similar draft...

Oh, well i can't speak for them...


Do you mean a cashier's check, or just an ordinary check?

Because I just bought a vehicle with a cashier's check, no problem. The dealer would even have taken a personal check but they would have run my credit to be sure I was creditworthy before doing so.

At least the Lyft driver totaled my old car at just the right time to get the end of model year clearance deals.
At least the Lyft driver totaled my old car at just the right time to get the end of model year clearance deals.

Around here the Lyft drivers drive their own cars.... :cheeky:

(Although why isn't there a "Uber for people to take you where you want to go in your own car"? Maybe we have to wait for the cellphone generation to age to the point they can't drive themselves.... Or given the tendency for millenials not to learn to drive, maybe not...)
Not much happens to me to warrant a post in this thread but I just heard a man tell his 9yo that geranium is stuff they dig out of the ground and they make nuclear bombs from it. I think it was a hearing error.

And earlier a friend was telling me how she ran their dairy farm while her husband taught at the local primary school. They were chalk and cheese.
What the fuck.....?

Okay, so i have purchased four vehicles innthe last forty years.
The first was for $450. All the rest have been bought with a preapproved car loan.
It's been fairly straightforward each time. I get a loan, a blank draught, fill in the asking price...

Today, the Honda dealer i never used before said they don't accept the draught. I have to get the bank to send me an actual check... .?

What? Why?

Well, that's not really money. Something could happen...

It's an agreement to give you money, just like any check.

Well, ee don't accept them.

Okat, maybe Connecticut is different? I ask that.

No, no, most dealers around here won't accept them

What do you mean by around here?

Oh, no dealer in the Northeast will.

Well, that's bullshit, because LAST WEEK a Massachusetts Honda dealer accepted a similar draft...

Oh, well i can't speak for them...


Wish I was there to see his face at that point...

I bought my first new car in 1972. Someone had told me that the way to get a good deal from a dealer was to bring cash. So I went into the dealership with a roll of C-notes. Took a drive in the car I had my eye on - a BMW 2002tii. It had the usual new car sticker on it saying $4950, but it had over 200 miles on it since they had been letting people drive it as a demo. I told the sales guy I'd give him $4000 for it. He laughed, and said no way. But when I pulled out cash, he ran like a rabbit into his manager's office. Came back with a little notepad with figures on it; $4000 on the top line, with tax, license, dealer prep etc totalling $4700. I told him he didn't hear me - "I'll give you $4000 for the car. Period." Back into the manager's office, and again returned with his little notepad. Now it was down to $4400. So I repeated - "I'll give you $4000 for the car." He got visibly angry, went back into the manager's office, and this time he came back with the manager. Manager sat down and with a calm, soft voice, explained that he couldn't let me have the car for $4k. I listened politely, with the roll of C-notes still on the table. When he finished his soliloquy, I just nodded, and said I was sorry about that, picked up the roll of bills and said thanks. I really thought it was over, but as I got in my old Plymouth Fury to leave, he showed up at the car window and said "All right - you can have it". I was delighted. But then he came back showing me how selling me the car for $4k meant the total due was $4250 and change. I got pissed, pulled out the roll of 40 C-notes one more time and said that was ALL I would give him. Now the soft-spoken manager was angry. Stomped into his office, came back with yet another sheet of figures, and lo and behold - the bottom line was exactly $4000. I paid it, and took the car. (Being naive about such things, I didn't realize that it was going to cost hundreds more to register and insure it... that was a hardship).
That was probably the nicest new car and the best deal I ever got. The lesson was that nothing makes car dealers more uncomfortable than cash. And I haven't forgotten! :D
Nice car. Bet you wish you still had that today in storage. BTW, Wheeler Dealers did a restoration on one of those on one of their programs.

Nice car. Bet you wish you still had that today in storage. BTW, Wheeler Dealers did a restoration on one of those on one of their programs.


Yeah, that was a great car, and it would be amazing to still have it. But I was 22 years old when I bought it, and really had no clue. Drove it for about 5 years, put 120k on it. Crossed the country twice, wrecked it twice. Insurance got real expensive at that point so I sold it for $2500... never should have done that! I think the one in the video is a '74 or later. The '72 had round taillights...
Nice car. Bet you wish you still had that today in storage. BTW, Wheeler Dealers did a restoration on one of those on one of their programs.


Yeah, that was a great car, and it would be amazing to still have it. But I was 22 years old when I bought it, and really had no clue. Drove it for about 5 years, put 120k on it. Crossed the country twice, wrecked it twice. Insurance got real expensive at that point so I sold it for $2500... never should have done that! I think the one in the video is a '74 or later. The '72 had round taillights...

Yup, that was a 74.
Do you mean a cashier's check, or just an ordinary check?
you know, i still don't know exactly what he wanted. Just not tge draft from the loan...
I called the credit union, and they may or may not send me a cashier's check.

When I got a cashiers check for our car I just walked into the bank and walked out with my check 5 minutes later.
Transcribed a recorded meeting of a sports organization in Australia. I was confused for the longest time until I realized that there's a sport in Australia called "netball" but they pronounce it "nipple."
Back to school shopping dominates the stores.
Can't find blue construction paper to save my life.

I mean, well, there is SOME, but it's in craft-time-friendly packs of twenty different colors. I don't want to paper my coworker's cubicle in twenty different colors. He's the one with the Captain America cape, so he gets red white and blue wallpapering across the cube.
I found red, I found white...

No packs of just blue construction paper.

Ah, well, it'll have to be red and white stripes all around the cubicle.

Someone came by as I was halfway through. "What's the occasion?"

"He's out of town for two weeks."
"No, I mean, what did he do to make you wallpaper his cubicle."
"He's out of town... What part of 'no interruptions' do you not understand?"
"I'm surprised you didn't fill it with balloons."
"Last time I did that, I developed a latex allergy and was admitted to the hospital.*"

*Not really, it was my gall bladder going necrotic...but part of the admission, they asked if I was allergic to latex. the timing was suspicious so I had to say, "I wasn't, but now I'm not sure..."
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