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Trump Will Likely Win

Every accusation is a confession.
Ehhh. I'm no lawyer, but #22 says you can't be elected more than twice.
Yeah. Both I and (presumably) bilby are quite tongue-in-cheek about it. It's not a legal argument one would present before SCOTUS.
But anyway, are you saying that Trumpies "know" he's lying about losing?? That they really think he won, but that he's saying he lost to satisfy the Constitution?? And that this question never occurred to Trump or his team until last month? I guess there are some of 'em are that far down the rabbit hole that no light from the surface is reaching them.
I think most, or almost all, of them know he lost.
so, your contention is that if she were running against anyone but Donald she would be considered too far left and would not garner nearly enough support to win or come close to winning.
That Democrats are essentially forced into supporting a far left candidate because Donald is such a horribly bad Presidential candidate who would make our country than any far left policies possibly could.
He is a horrible candidate yes. It is truly a choice between two weevils.

It would have been better had Biden decided to not seek reelection early enough for a proper primary season.
IOW, black woman.
That's pretty much all you care about. Identity politics to the max!
If Gavin Newsome was running on a similar platform it would be closer to that of GHWB than to say, Bernie. But …
Black woman.
Bullshit. If Gavin Newsom was running on a similar platform I'd criticize him in a similar fashion.
Yes, we will need oil for a long time to come. I just think fracking is not worth the risk when there better places to drill. Actually, I am in favor of expanding drilling in Alaska. Infrastructure is there and they have a pretty good record. And, don't bring up Exon/Valdes, that was a shipping mistake that has been fixed.
I think fracking is definitely worth it. It allowed US to go from 5 Mbbl/d to >10 Mbbl/d. It also greatly expanded our natural gas capacity. Without fracking, it would have been impossible for us to supply Europe with LNG to make them less dependent on Russian gas. This was important in 2022 when Russia invaded Ukraine.
Yes, we will need oil for a long time to come. I just think fracking is not worth the risk when there better places to drill. Actually, I am in favor of expanding drilling in Alaska. Infrastructure is there and they have a pretty good record. And, don't bring up Exon/Valdes, that was a shipping mistake that has been fixed.
I think fracking is definitely worth it. It allowed US to go from 5 Mbbl/d to >10 Mbbl/d. It also greatly expanded our natural gas capacity. Without fracking, it would have been impossible for us to supply Europe with LNG to make them less dependent on Russian gas. This was important in 2022 when Russia invaded Ukraine.
You got it backward, fracking allowed US to start a war with Russia. And you do realize that EU still depends on Russia? it's just russian LNG instead of less expensive pipe NG. And Germany is fucked becasue of american fracking.
Like that would matter. He’s already barred from running again under the 14th amendment and no one cares about that.
Do you mean section 3? No, that has already been adjudicated.

I know. And I wholly disagree with the tortured logic the right wing justices used.

So my point was that just because the Constitution says something doesn’t mean that the Supreme Court can’t lawyer their way around it.
Trump has again stated that he lost the 2020 election, and once again he frames it as "We lost by a whisker."
He has to. As bilby pointed out: if Trump won in 2020, he is barred from running again under the 22nd Amendment.
Like that would matter. He’s already barred from running again under the 14th amendment and no one cares about that.
The 14th Amendment argument was very weak, at best. Trump could have easily been barred from running again after being successfully impeached, but over 40 Republican Senators felt that inciting a riot at the US Capitol in an attempt to seize power because he knew he lost the election wasn't a violation of his oath to the Constitution.
Would you just steal the equity from the stockholders or would there be fair market value compensation involved?
Do you not know what "break up" means?

Google (e.g.) would be forced to split into multiple independent companies. The existing shareholders would retain their proportional ownership in each.
Trump has again stated that he lost the 2020 election, and once again he frames it as "We lost by a whisker."
He has to. As bilby pointed out: if Trump won in 2020, he is barred from running again under the 22nd Amendment.
Like that would matter. He’s already barred from running again under the 14th amendment and no one cares about that.
The 14th Amendment argument was very weak, at best. Trump could have easily been barred from running again after being successfully impeached, but over 40 Republican Senators felt that inciting a riot at the US Capitol in an attempt to seize power because he knew he lost the election wasn't a violation of his oath to the Constitution.
When they’re forced to abandon him because his dementia can no longer be glossed over (mid November if he loses) it’s going to get really ugly.
I see Kamala winning unless there is some sort of major black swan event or major crash in the markets. People mostly vote with their pocketbooks and job prospects. And since voting has already begun while the markets are still up, I would bet on her. Trump screwed himself heavily with Row vs Wade and the women are not going to forgive him.
If Trump loses, and esp. if he loses bigly, he will be dropped, dementia or no dementia.

I thought I read somewhere that Trump said he wouldn't run again if he loses.
I do believe that. He will not accept the results at all, and his people are making plans in the event that the election is once again "stolen".
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