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  • Users: barbos
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  1. barbos

    Russian scientists created cure for cancer (all types/kinds of it)

    Russian scientists created cure for cancer (all types/kinds of it). Works on mice 100% https://www.gazeta.ru/science/2024/06/06/19202191.shtml
  2. barbos

    No topic about Imran Khan?

    I guess MSM figured out that it was too much for idiots in the west to buy. In case your only source of information is government propaganda. Here is what happened. The guy tried to stay out of your little war on Russia. Nuland&Co got mad and ordered his removal. I mean how dares a...
  3. barbos

    Biden administration is in the business of murdering bloggers/journalists now

    I am talking about Gonzalo Lira. Not a peep about that in this forum, how predictable.
  4. barbos

    Canada's nazi problem

    I see whole lot of projection and coping going on in here. And no discussion of how you gave 2 rounds of applause to a WW2 nazi and then blamed it on ...... Russia. You are pathetic.
  5. barbos

    Iran and Saudi Arabia signal the start of a new era, with China front and center

    https://edition.cnn.com/2023/03/11/middleeast/iran-saudi-arabia-normalization-china-analysis-intl/index.html No thread about that? US is slowly becoming irrelevant. China takes over Middle East and indications are, they will be better than US at that. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ebZgawGOXsg
  6. barbos

    The most important discovery/invention of modern time

    Food without direct light at 4x efficiency of ordinary agriculture. This can revolutionize everything.
  7. barbos

    Banning russian news sites in the west is a good idea?

    lenta.ru gazeta.ru in particular were banned at least 12 hours ago. These are not government controlled news web sites. Thoughts?
  8. barbos

    Protests and destruction in Kazakhstan

    Page is updating. Basically Gas (not gasoline, actual liquefied gas for cars) prices went up 2x and everything went bad rather quickly. Burning government buildings police/millitary/firefighter cars, beating soldiers. Oligarchs leaving the country in private jets. Victoria Nuland must be on her...
  9. barbos


    Inspired by RussiaGate which is really facebookGate, which itself is CapitalismGate. Zuckerberg saw that he can profit more by allowing dissemination of lies and crap, and he did. Same story with FoxNews, their profits depend on lies their viewers like to hear. OAN, same story, apparently AT&T...
  10. barbos

    Three republican operatives go to a bar....

    https://www.lipstickalley.com/threads/lmfao-repub-operatives-fight-ana-navarro-and-amanda-carpenter-vs-anthony-scaramucci-on-cnn.4265868/ Was watching Don Lemon and hilarity happened. Have been waiting for that since Scaramucci became a regular on CNN. I hate the guy. That's not to say I...
  11. barbos

    Russian hack...... again

    Nobody created thread about that? Talking heads at CNN have no doubt that it's Russia even though every single neocon they invite says "we have no evidence it's Russia or anyone else" They bitch about how sophisticated that attack was. Yeah right, SolarWind had a password solarwind123 ...
  12. barbos

    Linuxhead sees Windows for the first time in more than 10 years.

    Have been using linux and all kind of unixes since the beginning of time. The last time I semi-used Windows was during WinXP time. Completely missed Vista, 7, 8. Couple of times I was asked to help with win 10, I think it was. One guy got "You have a virus!" popup in browser, I told him it's...
  13. barbos

    Trumpy is no friend of Pooty

    So much talk about russians putting bounties on american soldiers. https://www.gazeta.ru/social/2020/09/09/13245482.shtml You can google translate it. Here is my short version. In Russia there is this Private Millitary Company (essentially russian Black Water). They are of course loosely...
  14. barbos

    Pete Buttigieg is out!

    Wow, did not quite expect it so soon.
  15. barbos

    Trump and neocons started War with Iran in order to win elections?

  16. barbos

    Saudi student kills three at US naval base

    https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-50692597 Too early to say it was terrorism related, but odds are it is.
  17. barbos

    Doctored OPCW Report on Alleged Chemical Weapons Attack in Syria

    https://www.globalresearch.ca/wikileaks-exposes-doctored-opcw-report-alleged-cw-attack-syria/5695752 I know, Wikileaks made a mistake of leaking DNC emails, and hence should be hated, but still, nobody disputes content of their leaks. So looks like OPCW was caught lying at least in one case...
  18. barbos

    Sri Lanka Easter teracts

    https://edition.cnn.com/asia/live-news/sri-lanka-easter-sunday-explosions-dle-intl/index.html 8 separate explosions in churches and hotels, at least 185 dead. Sri Lanka has been quiet last few years.
  19. barbos

    Pozner talk at Yale, the usual suspects must watch.

    Talk is the first 40 minutes but the rest is also good. If after watching it you wonder if I am that guy, no, I am not. His english french and even russian is way better than mine. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8X7Ng75e5gQ
  20. barbos

    indonesia LionAir crash

    https://www.nytimes.com/2018/11/27/world/asia/indonesia-lion-air-crash-.html?action=click&module=Top%20Stories&pgtype=Homepage It did not take long (3 months) for a new and reportedly safer (!!!) plane to kill itself and its passengers. And the cause of disaster is this new safety feature...
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