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  1. A

    Merged Mar-a-Largo raided by FBI?

    Apparently Trump is claiming that Mar-a-Largo was radied by the FBI. I'm not holding my breath since these kind of breaking news stories often get "updated", but maybe this is a sign that Trump will be held responsible for his actions. We can only hope. ETA: CNN has it as well, now.
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    Some gun crimes are no longer crimes of violence

    At least according to the SCOTUS. It's a preliminary news story right now so few details. But it appears to remove the republican talking point of "Make it a longer sentence when a gun is used in a crime and gun crime will go away."
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    Merged So what's next for Trump?

    What does everyone think Trump's fate will be after January 20th? A lot of speculation on the Internets is that he'll start a rival network to go against Fox news. But are there already indictments against him that will be unsealed the instant he isn't president? Will tax evasion charges follow...
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    The "soap opera effect"

    This is related to my When "better" is actually worse thread from a few years ago. My soon-to-be son-in-law started complaining about how our newish OLED television was set up while he was here with my daughter over the holidays. We had tried the presets when we got it and decided that...
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    Guns and the art of victim blaming

    I've considered starting this thread several times in the last couple months, but there was always a recent mass shooting and associated gun thread and I didn't want to start another, plus I know how certain forum members will react and I haven't wanted to deal with it. However, the recent...
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    And the Academy Award for Best Trolling goes to...

    ...these guys. (Just noticed that one of the commenters on the tweet used the same joke as me. Oh well....) Youtube link.
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    George Zimmerman accused again

    This time for criminal harassment: Trouble just seems to follow him. But Warren probably looked suspicious.
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    High-rise in Brazil collapses from fire

    Rather graphic video here I can't help but wonder if this will maybe convince a few (if only a few) 9-11 deniers that yes, intense fire can weaken steel and lead to a building collapse.
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    No second special counsel

    Sessions declined to name a second special counsel to investigate the republican-led claims that FISA-based warrants against Carter Paige were politically motivated. Look for numerous meltdowns in the right-wing press and on Trump's twitter feed in the next few hours.
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    Another school shooting

    This time in Maryland. Early reports are three in critical condition and unconfirmed reports that two have died. But the Governor has offered his prayers so everything is fine.
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    Income tax moral dilemma

    Got a bit of a dilemma on how to file our income tax. Turns out if we itemize our deductions on our federal income tax we minimize our federal taxes and our state taxes are higher since the state removes the deduction for state taxes paid. If we take the standard federal deduction, our federal...
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    Hawiian missle warning

    All the news sites are reporting that a false warning of an incoming ballistic missile was sent out on Hawaiian cell phones this morning. I can't imagine how it felt to receive that. I hope that there is no scapegoating if this resulted due to insufficient safeguards. The Commander-in-Chief...
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    Mueller investigation

    CNN is saying that charges have been filed by Mueller and arrests are expected as early as Monday. The "RussiaGate" thread is so derailed that I think a new thread specifically on the investigation is appropriate. So who do you think will be arrested first? Flynn? Manafort? Kushner? All of the...
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    Zero credibility left

    I think that we've reached the point were Trump has no significant credibility remaining with either Congress or the American people. The final straw? Making the political speech to the Boy Scouts and then lying about getting a phone call from the leadership saying it was the best speech ever...
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    Kushner's statement

    Jared Kushner has released a statement prior to his meetings with the Congressional committees today. His defense is basically "I had no idea what I was doing so I can't be held responsible." Ordinarily I'm a strong believer in Hanlon's Razor ("never attribute to malice that which is adequately...
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    It appears the system is working

    The Associated Press says that Mueller's investigation of all things Russian now includes Manafort and may soon be expanded to examine Sessions's and Rosenstein's roles in the firings of Comey. I think that we are going to eventually have a pretty good idea of what actually really happened and...
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    One investigation will proceed!

    Good news! Trump is appointing a commission to investigate the voter fraud that cost him the popular vote. The man is clinically insane. It's the only explanation.
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    Bannon removed from National Security Council?

    ABCnews.com has a breaking-news ribbon that claims a "senior administration official" says Steve Bannon was removed from the National Security Council. No story up yet. Can't wait to see what happened. :eating_popcorn:
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    Comey and Rogers's testimony today (March 20, 2017)

    It's on all the US news stations/sites so I won't bother to give any links, but FBI director Comey and NSA director Rogers confirmed that a) The FBI has been investigating links between the Trump campaign and the Russian government, b) Obama/the Obama administration did not order a...
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    Trump tweats new conspiracy theory

    Trump has now tweeted that Obama had him wiretapped in Trump tower. The source? Apparently a Brietbart news "report" of a right-wing radio host's conspiracy theory. I'll tell you folks, up till now I've been rather amused watching this idiot fall all over himself and make himself and his...
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